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Pals 316 RGA - GP Jones, Kidderminster

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My brother found this picture in our grandad's (George Pitt Jones) things. He is the dude in the middle. He was from Kidderminster and I believe he was in the garrison artillery. Any info on what Pals 316, or unit history, means would be greatly appreciated.

Mark Jones

North Wales, PA


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Wonderful Picture!! Very impressed. This is as you probably know a 6" Vickers Howitzer, note the name, possibly "Lucky Jim" one in my grandfathers battery was called Duthumi. This is most probably 316 Siege Battery which I am aware from Dick Flory's previous posts served in Italy at some time in 94th HAG, no doubt Dick will respond to this post so I'll leave it to him to detail.Do you have any more pictures??

Gunner 76698 George P Jones

Royal Garrison Artillery

Cannot immediately locate the War Diary Ref so may not exist. You will need to know the HAG for a given date and then search from there.

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The 316th Siege Battery went out to Italy on 14 April 1917 and arrived there on 22 April 17. The battery joined 94th Heavy Artillery Group on 26 April 1917 and served with it for the rest of the war. The battery was armed with four 6-inch Howitzers, 26 cwt. Unfortunately the battery's war diary has not been traced, but the 94th Heavy Artillery Group's war diary is at the National Archives (PRO) at WO95/4206.

The fact that there are two Italian soldiers in the photo would seem to indicate that this is the right unit.

Regards. Dick Flory

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Thanks for all the replies. That's all good information. Funny, I always assumed they were on the western front. I heard a rumour about him being gassed. Is there any way I can find out what they did before they went to Italy?

I have no more pictures of them at the front - just a couple of portrait shots of him and one of his brothers in uniform. I could post them too, if there was interest.

Don't know about any brothers KIA, but he did have quite a few bros. Don't know if any were James Albert, but I can check. I'll let you know. My info on the Kidderminster Jones's is very sketchy. They lived in Marlpool Lane, I believe.

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Best bet is the 94 HAG war diary referred to above. Sometimes this will indicate if it transferred from another brigade. The other source , if available is the Service Record of George Jones. However as you may be aware many of the records are absent.

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On the 1901 census, George Pitt Jones lived at 35, Lorne Street, Kidderminster with his parents John and Emily. He was aged 9. Also there is James Albert Jones, aged 14.

On CWGC, James Albert Jones, aged 29, is recorded as the son of J and E Jones of 35 Larne Street, so to answer the question – Yes, they were brothers.

Also at the address are Fred (26), William (23), Emily (21), Henry(or Harry) (14), Fannie (17), Albert (12),


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In which case they were two of six brothers, during the war:-

William John reached the rank of RQMS in the 1/7th Worcs and was awarded the MC in 1916.

Albert Hibberd served as a Pte in the 2nd RFus.

Henry was in a reserved occupation and

Frederick was considered too old to serve

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Wow. I am totally amazed. How do you guys find this stuff out?

My brother has a portrait picture of one of the brothers in his uniform. Would that be of interest?

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Such photos are always of interest to many members if only to see another old soldier in his "best". I would like to see it , so post it.

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Cannot decide if this is RGA uniform or not. He certainly has a shoulder flash but not legible but the buttons are almost identifiable but not recognisable as RA to me. Perhaps another chum can rescue us here. This may not be who you think it is, may be a brother.

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My information is from my research on the men from Kidderminster who died in the Great War. Hopefully, attached is a picture of James Jones from the Kidderminster Shuttle when his death in action was announced



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The second potrait I posted with just the head shot is James Albert (KIA). I clocked him off a family potrait of mum and dad and 8 of the 10 children from (must have been) the early 1900's.

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