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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum


pol o frithil

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to all readers, i am trying to locate some information for a neighbour on her uncle. his name was a william roundtree from county cavan who was killed in world war 1 or 2 . she is not sure. no record on the cwgc or the national archives. any one with any info.

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Try a few searches using the more common spelling of Rowntree - could be the answer.


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I have gone through all your postings and there is a pattern there. When someone replies you do not recognise the effort they went to or thank them, When they suggest an avenue of research you do not reply either. This makes trying to help you a thankless excercise..... however, there was one William Rowntree in the SDWW2 cd but he was from Durham, ...........Rowantree, Roundtree with a William for a first name was not successful.. If you knew the Army or the location of his death that would save the pals time trying to locate him.


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through all your postings and there is a pattern there. When someone replies you do not recognise the effort they went to or thank them, When they suggest an avenue of research you do not reply either. This makes trying to help you a thankless excercise.....

ammm...maybe you're jumping the gun a little here museumtom...I've asked many questions and got replies and rather than post 'thanks you' and clutter up the boards I take it to p.m's.

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Hello All,

To be fair, I have helped Pol on a few occoasions and he has thanked me via PM.

Tom does, however, have a point. A number of people have offered advice on researching the men you are interested in, but you seem to be going around in a circle. Please note that I am not in any way trying to "get at" you here - I too made many mistakes when beginning my research. By noting the advice offered by a number of kind souls on the Forum, I have made considerable progress. My own advice to you is this:

Have a careful read of the section on the mother site that deals with researching a WW1 soldiers war service.

Download the relevant Medal Index Cards(MIC) from the National Archive website. Each card download will cost you £3.50.

When you have these, you can ask someone going to the National Archives (Public Records Office) to look up the men in the "Burnt Records". These are the service records of the WW1 soldiers. There are, sadly, only a small fraction of the original service records left, but it is still a big job to look up an service record. The people who do the lookup for you are doing so out of the goodness of their heart and will expect you to cover expenses such as copying/post /etc. This seems quite reasonable to me.

Other people may have better advice, but that much should get you on your way!

Good luck with your research. :)



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If William served in WW1 he will have served (prob!) in 9th Bn Royal Irish Fusiliers (Armagh Cavan Monaghan Volunteers).

On CWGC there is only one William Rountree recorded and he is from Cavan and served in the 9th RIF. He was killed on 9 June 1917 Son of William and Elizabeth Rountree, of Drumaloor, Cloverhill, Co. Cavan.

However he has no known grave and is recorded on Panel 42 of the Menin Gate at Ypres. This panel is on the upper tiers, thru right hand gate and up the steps to the right.

Further information may be held by the Regimental museum

Royal Irish Fusiliers Museum

Sovereigns House, The Mall Armagh BT61 9DL

028 3752 2911

e-mail rylirfusiliermus@aol.com

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I have gone through all your postings and there is a pattern there. When someone replies you do not recognise the effort they went to or thank them, When they suggest an avenue of research you do not reply either. This makes trying to help you a thankless excercise..

And I went and obtained a copy of Frank Finan's MIC and medal roll from the PRO, but I was told that it wasn't wanted thanks.


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