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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum


Greg Bloomfield

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I stumbled across this yesterday in a charity shop while out with the missus. Its billed as 'The best novel about the Great War since 'All Quiet on the Western Front'' so I thought I'd give it a go even though fiction isn't my thing. It has over 800 pages and so far the first fifty odd aren't too impressive, the author is clearly American and so is the terminology and some of the background facts don't tie in with the historical facts.

Before I go any further with this, has anybody here read this and is it worth persevering with? I'm off on my hols soon and it could be sun lounger material if it is.

Cheers Fellas


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I'm off on my hols soon and it could be sun lounger material I

As a head rest!

In have never seen the book but it will end with 'America won the war'!

I have read some WW1 fiction that has been badly researched but every now and then something true is mentioned that is worth following up.

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Is this the Jeff Shaara book? Very poorly received, as I recall, several threads on the forum if you search for "Shaara" - stick with his American Civil War books and you'll be OK

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Yes, if it's the Shaara novel, not very impressive, a poor grasp of English idioms and likely nicknames. If I remember correctly, he's got tommies called 'Duke' and 'Earl' rather than Nobby or Chalky. I didn't finish it.

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Yes, if it's the Shaara novel, not very impressive, a poor grasp of English idioms and likely nicknames. If I remember correctly, he's got tommies called 'Duke' and 'Earl' rather than Nobby or Chalky. I didn't finish it.

Surely not!


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Ha! Way before my time. Not.

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Yes. its the Shaara effort. Sounds as if I should have stuck to my instincts and bought a factual book after all.

I don't think I'll bother using it as a headrest as it might put me over my meager weight allowance.

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