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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Walmsley of the 5th Lincs

Guest Wodge

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Dear all,

I see from an earlier thread that there are some real experts on the history of the Lincs Regts during the Great War. I am trying to piece together the history of my own paternal grandfathers war experiences and would welcome any info anybody can offer. The man in question was Arther Walmsley of Gainsborough , DOB 1 May 1890, who enlisted full-time on 31 Aug 14, originally into H coy 5th Lincs. I have photographic evidence that he was a Lance-Cpl before deployment overseas. The trail goes cold around the period of 89 years ago today, the Battle of Loos, where he was wounded and gassed. The only other facts I have established are that he was discharged as a Sgt (652487) from 318 Coy Labour Corps, Nottingham on 21 Jun 19 as surplus to requirments, but invalided. I am unsure whether his service number is a Labour Corps or Lincs Regt one. His service documents were among those destroyed in WW2 so gaining evidence is difficult for the rank amature like myself.

I have recently gained posession of a large certificate awarded to Arthur, signed by King George, inscribed "Served with honour and was disabled in the Great War. Honourably discahrged on 21 June 1919". As I have never seen one these before I wondered are they rare and if so why perhaps did he receive one?

Any help or pointers greatly apprteciated.

D Arthur Walmsley

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Hi Wodge

Bit busy at present will look for you later tonight, and have rung Steve Bramley, who is compiling a databse on the 5th Lincs. I am sure he will have more info for you as well, but he is just having difficulties with his computer at present.

Will see what we can find


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It might be worth doing a word search about the certificate that you mention. I recall similar being discussed on the forum in the past.


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Hi Wodge,

As Chris pointed out i've been having some computer problems, which i hope to resolve within the next couple of days, so unfortunately this will be a very brief reply.

My database is far from complete and Arthur Warmsley is not on it. However from the information that you have already given he should almost certainly be added!

The number that you gave would be his Labour Corps number. From his enlistment date i would guess that he would have had a 4 digit service number between 2300 and 2550. The bulk of Gainsborough enlistments around the August 14 date being between 2400 and 2500.

He would in early 1917 probably also be given a new six digit number beginning 24 (0) ***. But whether this would still be issued with him transferring to the Labour Corps, i'm not sure.

Regarding his wound at the Hohenzollern redoubt on 13.10.15. The 1/5th Lincolns and the 1/4th Leicesters were assembled awaiting the commencement of the attack in the front-line trenches. The 1/4th Lincolns and the Monmouthshires (Brigade pioneer bn) were in second line trenches behind.

The attack was to be at 2 p.m. in the afternoon. At 1 p.m. Chlorine gas was released from cylinders in the frontline trenches along with smoke. When the Germans became aware of this their shelling was diverted from reserve areas to the front line and some of the cylinders were smashed.

It is possible that your relation was wounded by the shelling and gassed by the broken cylinders in this frontline trench.

I have several men on my database who were gassed on this day. The source for this was the Grimsby News casualty returns of November 1915. Although 5th Lincs men from all over the north of the county were named your PG was not. But it is by no means a comprehensive or full list. If you are local to Gainsborough may i suggest that you visit the local library and see if one of the old newspapers contains a similar list?

Sorry about the brevity but if i could maybe provide any further help please do not hesitate to contact me or Chris Bailey and also other forum member and Lincs buff Jim Davies via this thread or off forum by personal message/e-mail.

If you would care to, in the meantime, like to check out fellow forum member Andrew Thornton's articles on 'Hellfire Corner', Tom Morgan's website then please click on this link below;

13.10.15. Andrew Thornton



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Steve/Chris thanks for your prompt replies. As a newcomer to this site I am astounded how genuinley helpful everybody is.

Steve, please note for your data-base that my GF's surname was Walmsley, not Warmsley.

As he does not appear in the Grimsby News casualty return, I wonder if the oral family history has been distorted and that perhaps he was gassed elsewhere. Do you think that possible?

I have spent days at the Gainsborough library pouring over the Gainsborough News' micro-fish, searching for Arthur's name.....to no avail, other than having to increase my glasses script a couple of notches! Talking of Gainsborough Library, are you aware that they have a comprehensive Roll of Honour from the Great War that somebody labouriously produced by hand some years ago?

Andrew Thornton's link was fascinating.

Thanks again.



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Steve/Chris thanks for your prompt replies. As a newcomer to this site I am astounded how genuinley helpful everybody is.

Steve, please note for your data-base that my GF's surname was Walmsley, not Warmsley.

As he does not appear in the Grimsby News casualty return, I wonder if the oral family history has been distorted and that perhaps he was gassed elsewhere. Do you think that possible?

I have spent days at the Gainsborough library pouring over the Gainsborough News' micro-fish, searching for Arthur's name.....to no avail, other than having to increase my glasses script a couple of notches! Talking of Gainsborough Library, are you aware that they have a comprehensive Roll of Honour from the Great War that somebody labouriously produced by hand some years ago?

Andrew Thornton's link was fascinating.

Thanks again.



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My apologies regarding the spelling of your GF's name. I did do the check using the correct spelling! This is something to look out for when scanning the newspapers and the war diary. I have come across lots of mis-spelt names.

I have a B. Whomsley on my data base (source: Gy News casualty lists) who was probably from Louth. I think this name could be a mis-spelling!

It looks as though we may have to wait unit the 'W's' come out on the medal index cards to find out more, but you never know!!

It is possible that Arthur may have been gassed at a later date but i would go with the family history.

Thanks for the information regarding the 'roll of honour' at Gainsborough library, i did not know about this.

Please keep in touch if you discover anything and likewise we will do our best for you,



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