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Trench Archaeology?


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I'd love to hear people's opinions on the books out there on trench archaeology. Recommendations? 1, 2, 3-------------GO!


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1. Digging up the trenches, Robertshaw

2. Digging up Plugstreet, Brown, Osgood

I have found these to be the top two in my opinion. I will add that I was involved in both so that might have an impact on my choices.


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Other than John Laffins rather dated book I think their is little else really? Johns book is called. "Battlefield Archaeology"


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I am not a great reader, just starting out in ww1 got this one grom library killing time archaeology and the first world war, by nicholas j saunders, thanks doug

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Beware anything by Laffin

Why? No personal (or financial!) connection just interested in 'Why?'!

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Laffin was not 100 % reliable in his facts and research. The book I mention is only really good for oics and images / stories of artefacts found.

He claims to have found about a dozen badges in a few hours field walking at Ovillers.....artistic licence.Also in his book some of his picture captions are wrong but still an interesting book all the same.

I found Killing Time mentioned earlier somewhat repetative throughout???


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Just what I have found so far, and diaries of a dispatch rider

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1. Digging up the trenches, Robertshaw

2. Digging up Plugstreet, Brown, Osgood

I have found these to be the top two in my opinion. I will add that I was involved in both so that might have an impact on my choices.


Thanks, and keep them coming, please, everyone! And thanks for the recommendation to beware!

Ralph, I've looked into these titles, which are tough to find in the US, but I'll keep trying. Unfortunately, I've gone way over book budget in the past month or so, otherwise I'd do an amazon.uk order . . . :( You're associated with NML, right? Talk about a dream job!



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  • 2 weeks later...


Laffin is a really good book! We use it as an example to students of what NOT to do! My agreement with Ralph on titles (yes, for the same reasons). Books on just Conflict Archaeology are a bit thin on the ground at the moment although several of us have 'works in progress' so watch this space. Killing Time is a bit repetative and Nick can get a bit (thinks of a polite way of saying this!) focused on a single dimension. NML are starting to put much more on line, or at least that is the intension I am informed, there will be the summer Plug Street Dig Blog that you can follow, and I'm running another WW1 / WW2 dig looking at defensive trenches in the SE of England used during both wars in August. I will publish the Blog details of a bit later in the summer when we decide the format that we are using for public involvement.

PM me if you wish other details, but we keep the dig site and details closed until we are there and can protect the site. Unfortunately we have fallen foul of site robbers destroying the archaeology before (see Finding the Fallen Series 1) and as the result remains may have failed to be identified due to the scum who stole the artefacts! I'm sure Martin Brown will publish the dig details in good time as we encourage visitors as part of the education policy that we actively employ on all digs.

Yours Aye,


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