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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

The Great War: The Standard History of the All-Europe Conflict (ed. H.


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Hi all,

I'm currently doing some research on the war and I've at my disposal all volumes of The Great War: The Stand History of the All-Europe Conflict edited by H. C. Wilson. Has anyone read this work? I've been going through a chapter on Verdun and there's a lot of detail but unfortunately I'm completely new to the field of World War I research and I'm still trying to figure out which sources I can rely on. I'd appreciate any comments about the reliability, accuracy and usefulness of this work.

Many thanks in advance.

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I have a few of the Wilson volumes. They were, of cxourse, published as the war progressed and are interesting in providing a perspective of how people viewed the events at the time, but they are certainly not the gospel truth. If you enter Verdun on the search engine you will obtain details of the most recent books on the subject. Forumite Christina Holstein, our Verdun expert, can also advise you.

Charles M

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Thanks for your advice, Charles! I was a bit suspicious of the Wilson books as their bias really shows in some issues and I've already noted that they're wildly inaccurate, for instance, about German casualties.

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