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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

where did injured aussie soldiers go?


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Seeking any info as to where injured Aussie WW1 soldiers may have been hospitalised. Seeking info on soldier who did not return to wife and children after the war. Wife remarried( happily) and had other children. The children from both husbands brought up as full siblings.

Mother and most children have now passed on, but would like to help those still living solve the mystery of what happened to their dad.

Waiting info from Canberra war archives. Soldier named Arthur Frederick Hayes.



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Seeking any info as to where injured Aussie WW1 soldiers may have been hospitalised.

Waiting info from Canberra war archives. Soldier named Arthur Frederick Hayes.

Hi Nellie from a fellow aussie in UK.

My grandfather (see below) was hospitalized in Exeter War Hospital following GSW and gassing in August 1918.


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Heard about needles n Hayes tacks?

You may as well ask how long is a piece of string.

There were 10's of 000's of Australians hospitalised, people will help you, as Robbie above, but you will have to do a lot of the leg work yourself.

Don't let these comments put you off your task. I join with the others who will send you a welcome and wish you well in the project ;)



Onyer Mal!

Well said!

Edited by bonza
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There are the biographical databases at the Australian War Memorial site (www.awm.gov.au). The nominal roll lists all the Arthur Hayes who served and indicates whether they returned or not. There is only one Arthur Frederick Hayes who appears to have returned to Australia, but his name may simply have been recorded as Arthur.

Do you have any other information about him? Age?, unit, military number, or any info about his wounds (how?, when? etc.) all these little clues can help build a picture.

The only Arthur Frederick Hayes is recorded as 4520 Cpl Arthur Frederick Hayes 47th Battn AIF went overseas 14/9/15 Returned to Australia 9/12/18

If this is your man you should find more info when you get his service record. His hospitalisation(s) may well be recorded and there may be an address to which his medals were despatched.

Do let us know how you get on.


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As Martin says, the only Arthur Frederick Hayes returned to Australia. According to the National archives his wife was Mabel Agnes Hayes. Is this the correct one?

There is another listing of an Arthur Hayes who was killed at Passendaele on 4/10/17. He was from Coburg, Melbourne but after some further checking it appears his middle name was 'Horace'

Tim L.

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