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Help required with unknown prefix


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Are any Forum members able to help me identify the following entry for a medal award.


Private M. McCarthy, 5256, 2nd Battalion Royal Munster Fusiliers was awarded the Military Medal.


I have two reference sources -


1st ref:)  History of the Royal Munster Fusiliers by Capt. S. McCance, in the appendices it mentions the award for Pte. M. McCarthy, 5256, 2nd Batt. RMF was announced in the L. G. on the 14 May 1919. I searched the L.G. WW 1 archive but no result.


2nd ref:)  2nd Munsters in France by Lieut.-Colonel H. S. Jervis, the appendices has a different reference that I am not familiar with and is as follows -

5256,  Pte. M. McCarthy,  M. M. authority 50/D.R.O.  4356  29/10/18


In October 1918, the 2nd Battalion RMF was engaged in the battle for the Selle River, and I did notice reference to the 50th Division, is the above reference to a Military Report or Diary, any help appreciated.


James O'Sullivan,

Brisbane Australia.

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The details of the LG entry are as follows

Supplement to the London Gazette, 14 May, 1919 – 6043

[Gazette Issue 31338 published on the 13 May 1919 Page 41 of 64]

5265 Pte. McCarthy, M., 2nd Bn. (Cardiff)

Note the number is diff from that as quoted by you

His was one of hundreds awarded in that edition of the LG and there are no further details specific to the award.

There is the standard four-and-a-half line preamble on page 9


Michael D.R.

Not sure if this link will work but try


Edited by michaeldr
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5256, Pte. M. McCarthy, M. M. authority 50/D.R.O. 4356 29/10/18

Divisional Routine Orders. Promulgated 29/10/1918.

I don't know how much luck you would have searching for DROs from 80 years ago.

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