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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

112 Brigade Royal Field Artillery

Sue Light

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A Steyning man, Charles Dalmon, was killed in action on the 8th July 1917, while serving with 'C' Battery, 112 Brigade, Royal Field Artillery. The unit war diary, while looking in pretty good order, is missing the whole month of July 1917. Can anyone tell me what was going on at the time Gunner Dalmon died?

Thanks - Sue

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On 8 July the 25 Division was located SSW of Ypres preparing to take over command of that sector from 8 Division. It appears that there was some enemy gas shells falling that day and some interdictory fire but nothing that appears to be worth much mention. I would guess that your man was killed, like many other gunners on the Western Front, by being in the wrong place, at the wrong time on a day that would be described in the history books as a "quiet day."

Regards. Dick Flory

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Nothing much to add from 25th Division History, except that it notes that having been withdrawn from Messines, the artillery "marched direct to the Ypres area and at once commenced work on preparing gun positions and transporting ammunition."

Doncha just hate having to tell the "probably killed by shellfire" stories. I dread eventually reaching the list of Stockport's artillerymen.


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Doncha just hate having to tell the "probably killed by shellfire" stories. I dread eventually reaching the list of Stockport's artillerymen

Thanks for that John. My dashing infantrymen with long obituaries are done now, and I'm beginning to wade in the mud of those that had no birth, no family, no service history, and a misty death. But the artillery are still ahead of Pte. Clarke of the Army Service Corps [Canteens], Rifleman Holloway of the 24th Rifle Brigade, and Private Hillman of the Labour Corps - taking bets on whether their stories will ever be told :(


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