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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Pte Harry Ramsey 66013 1/8 Lancashire Fusiliers


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I am desparatly seeking any information that may help. This is probably not a new story, but it is mine. My grandfather and his family (parents and brother) emmigrated to Canada just before the breakout of the war. Both boys served and as far as I know both served with the British. Having been awarded both the BWM and the VM. When my grandfather returned home after the war it was indeed sad. He returned home battered, having been gassed, wounded and having survived malaria. He returned to find that both his parents had died of influenza (along with countless of others) and that his brother (only sibling) was KIA. I am not sure of his brothers first name and I was wondering if there is anyway of tracking him down by using my grandfathers service records (if they survived) or any other means. I also do not believe that any of his brothers war medals, plaque or scroll had ever been issued as there was no family to issue them to. Is it possible to find that information out?

Thank you in advance!!

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there 72 ramsey's who died/killed on the 'soldiers died in the great war' cd rom, have you any information about where born etc to narrow down the search a bit!

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The only man on SDGW who fits the criteria is:

Cpl. John Ramsey 11676

1st Bn. Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers

Born: Shankhill Co. Antrim

Enlisted: Belfast


1st July 1916

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there is only one alex ramsey

663233 gunner in the royal artilty born monkton, enlisted irvine , ayr

k.i.a. 26/10/17

i dont think this is your man so i will check for john ramsey


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myrtle is right , he is the only one from ireland. the others john ramsey's are from scotland or the north of england.


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Thank you all! I do not believe the Ramsey from Ireland is correct as he would have actually enlisted in Canada as did my grandfather. That is where they were living at the time. Perhaps there is a Ramsey KIA having enlisted/living in Ontario Canada and serving with the British forces. Could it be narrowed down that way?

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if i were you, i would check the commonwealth war graves commission website(just type in cwgc in your search engine) and type in your relatives surname etc into there search register.

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Also try Ramsay. You will find John Ramsey, already mentioned, as Ramsay on CWGC and there are also the following:

Cpl. Alexander Rasmsay Northumberland Fusiliers (Tyneside Irish)

Rifleman John Ramsay Royal Irish Rifles

Alexander Ramsay was born in Newcastle-on-Tyne

John Ramsay born in Blaris, Co Antrim.

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