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Regiments in the U.S. 84th Division


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Hello all! I am doing some research on the WWI Veterans in my family but I lost some important papers. The papers lost included the information on the regiment my great-great-(great)-uncle was in. I know he was in the 84th U.S. division, but I'm not sure what regiment. I'll know when I see it, though. If anyone could post the regiments in the 84th Division I would greatly appreciate it!

Thanks in advance,


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Infantry.... 333rd, 334th, 335th, 336th
Artillery .....325th, 326th, 327th
Machine Gun.....325th, 326th, 327th
Engineers.... 309th


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Hi Garrett

the 84th Division consisted of

167th Infantry Brigade

333d Infantry

334th infantry

326th MG Battalion

168th Infantry Brigade

335th Infantry

336th Infantry

327th MG Battalion

159th Field Artillery Brigade

325 Field Arty (75mm)

326 Field Arty (75mm)

327 Field Arty (155)

309 TM Battery

Divisional Troops were

325 MG Battalion

309 Engineers

309 Field Signal Battalion

Divisional Trains were

309 HQ and MP train

309 Ammunition train

309 Supply

309 Engineers

309 Sanitary (with Ambulance and Field Hospitals) 333-336

Artillery was detached from the div for most of the time in France

Arrived in Le Havre via Liverpool on Sept 25 1918

If your relative saw action it was probably with another Division as the 84 was skeletonized on Oct 3rd 1918 and on Oct 9th about 10,000 men were transferred to 1 Div Depot as replacements.


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Thanks for your help, I found what I was looking for!

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  • 3 months later...
  • 3 years later...

My Great Uncle was in the 84th Division and transferred to Div 1. I am trying to find any kind of a paper trail for those transfers. When he was transferred to Div. #1, his name was left off the roster which led to great confusion over his death. It took 4 months for his family to find out what happened to him. I was interested in the earlier post by 4thGordons who seemed to know exactly when the division was split to pieces....

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I have also been told my Great Uncle billeted and trained at Mussidan when he first arrived in France. This would have been while he was with the 84th Div. 335th Infantry. does anyone have

information on the training camps or know where I can find such information?


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The Division arrived in France in September and on Sept 13th moved to the W. Perigueux area for training.

On Sept 28th the Divisional HQ was at Neuvic (Dordogne) which is just SW of Perigueux


THIS LINK might be of interest to you


On Oct 3rd the Division was ordered to be Skeletonized and on Oct 9th 10,000 men were transferred to the 1st Depot Division for use as replacements. (leaving the original units with a notional strength of 25 men each)





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