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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

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After over a year of looking for photo of a 1st July 1916 KIA Inniskilling MM medal winner (I have the star-wheres the others???) I finally found his photo in the Oct 1916 paper with an insert from his sister looking information.....

soon after another three 'sought after' turned up...all in 1 hour

motto/moral of story?

Never give up looking!

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Well done Mark,

I don't think research ever really ends does it, just when you think you've tried every avenue... bang it hits you slap in the face!

Well done again,

Ski :)

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Well done Mark and could not agree more with ski's comments, just when you think you have just about all you are going to get in your research, bang, out comes more and more.


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Roll on the day, I say. Helluva lot easier. Is it worth the effort; trekking miles to dingy record depositories and hunting through endless records, for the sake of that rare buzz when something relevant turns up? Search, is the name of the game and anything that makes it easier - I'm all for.

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