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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Brampton(cumbria)Boys photos


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If any of the pals have medals to men from Brampton cumbria this may interest you. I have approx 170 photos of the men of the village who served during WW1 they are mainly studio shots that were hung in frames in the church hall and during a clean out the frames were skipped.One of my friends in the village gave me copies of the photos (he rephotographed them all) for research. If any on wants copies I'm happy to send scans of these troops


Perce :D

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That's very interesting - I'm not from the area and don't have any real research interest in it (it'd be yet another tangent to go off on) but I do have family in Gilsland.

Just out of interest, and to satisfy my curiosity:

What regiment did people from the area go into?

Who took and published the photographs?

What dates do they cover?

Where are they taken?

Can we put names to faces?

I'm sure there will be many people in the area interested in this material but you're probably in touch with them anyway. It's a little off the beaten track for me but I'd be interested to hear about your research.

Simon (wet, dismal and deafened by rotor blades).

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Hi Simon

There are all sorts of regiments lots of border including 11th batt and lancashire regts

The photos appear to have been donated by family during or just after the First war


All over

and all are named so all are identifiable

I used to be posted just above Gilsland(Spadeadam) and now have the noise of rotors in my ears 9St Mawgan)

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Hi Perce

I'd be interested in details of any Grenadier Guardsmen amongst the collection.

Do you know if there are any plans to publish the photographs in a book/pamphlet commemorating the men of Brampton who served during the Great War?

Best wishes


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Just a quick one: anyone by the name of Baxter in those photos?

(as in Birdoswald/Kiln Hill if you know the area).

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hi Guys

in answer to the questions the does'nt appear to be any grenadier guards in the bunch. I hope to put all theimages on cd with any relevant information in the near future and I believe there are a couple of Baxters in the bunch will check the photos in the morning (they're at work)and I spent 7 yrs at Spade so know the area fairly well


Perce :D

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HI Simon

Found a G M Baxter in the photo's he's a L/Cpl cant quite read his shoulder titles but will try and blow the photo up later


Perce :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

That's great, thanks for looking!

I've no idea if your Baxter is my Baxter but given the area I'd guess it was likely.

Many thanks,


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away on a course for a few days-if you want when I'm back I'll email you the photo

Perce :D

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Back from course if you send email address will send you the Baxter photo


Perce :D

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