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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

German Army

stephen binks

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Could anybody advise on brief overview of the service in the German Army and how their conscription worked prior to the great war. I am interested in the "August Volunteers" which from my readings so far indicate they were recruited outside normal conscription?

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Firstly, during peacetime the German Army could not cope with the numbers of able-bodied men coming of military age each year, so not all served in the 'regular' conscription schedule. This surplus - and those who were not fit to undertake proper military service - were enrolled in the militia force, Landsturm, throughout, and much of the following did not apply.

Anyhow, from what I've read:

17-20 Landsturm (Militia) Class I

20-23 Full-time Regular service (3 yrs in cavalry (and artillery?), 2yrs elsewhere)

23-27 Regular reserves - immediately able to rejoin regular units upon mobilisation without re-training etc. (Those who spent 3yrs in Army only spent 4 in reserve, others five years.)

27-39 Landwehr (Territorials).

39-45 Landsturm Class II

In 1914 the Germans used their Regular army and Territorials immediately upon mobilisation. I think their were 8.5 million Germans with (some) military training eligible for call-up in 1914.


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Thank you Richard for your reply. Do you know much about the "August Volunteers"?

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