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6th Bn Royal Dublin Fusiliers 21st August 1915 Suvla Bay


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Hi lads, any info on the 6th Bn RDF on the 21st August 1915 battles, war diary for the day.

many thanks


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Not sure if I qualify as a 'lad', but

War Diary merely says

Battalion move up as brigade reserve to occupy line of trenches running roughly 91.D.8 to 104.T.Y vacated by 11th Division whhen they advanced at 16.30. Casualties during advance officers nil, other ranks 41.



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Hi Graeme, Thanks for that and I'm sure you're a Lad at heart.


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Hi lads, any info on the 6th Bn RDF on the 21st August 1915 battles, war diary for the day.

many thanks


30th Inf Bde War Diary for 21st Aug 1915:

91 F 3. 08:00 - 15:00 Intermittent shellfire, no casualties. ….

12:00 Orders received for attack of 11th & 29th DIVS, 30th Bde in Corps Reserve….

14:30 Bombardment of enemy's trenches by ships and batteries commences. …

15:00 Infantry attack commences….16:15. 30th Inf Bde leaves cover of LALA BABA HILL and advances in echelon of Bns from the left. 7th Bn RDF in reserve. Formation adopted by most Bns was lines of platoons in single file. The Bde was under shrapnel fire for about 1 1/2 miles and had some casualties (4 Off , 145 ORs). Country flat and open. ...

18:00 The Bde occupied front line trenches previously held by part of 11th DIV before it advanced from K of KAZLAR CHAIR to 1st H in HETMAN CHAIR. The 6th RMF and 7th RDF in front line. There was some inter-mixture of units of 11th DIV in forward trenches as the attack of this DIV had not progressed very far. There was some sniping and firing on the part of the enemy during the night.

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