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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

PPCLI - #1727


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I have found an attestation to a man called Porcano, Nicholas (aka Pacano) number 1727.

I also have an archival reference to a Petteo, Mark with the same number 1727. I can't find an attestation for this fellow.

If anybody has access to a PPCLI nominal roll, can both these be checked to see if they are indeed two individuals, or simply a transcription error of some kind. Thanks.

Peter in Vancouver

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Hi Broz, There is a 1727 Pacarno N. PPCLI. Joined PPCLI in August 1914, Wounded August 26, 1918. SOS Sept 13, 1918. (from Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry 1914-1919 Hodder Williams. 1923.)

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Thanks, Bill. I guess the other fellow I found is just some weird transcription error. I don't know how Nicholas can become Mark . . .

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