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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Unveiling Welsh National Memorial Langemark


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Just a short note to inform the users of the GWF that the unveiling of the Welsh National Memorial Park at Langemark (road Boezinge- Langemark) will take place on 16 August at 03.00 PM.

The memorial, a red-painted bronze dragon has been installed last week on a 20 ton reproduction of a cromlech/ dolmen. This project, started as an grassroots initiative of some Flemish locals who were soon joined by a number of Welsh people. The status is acknowledged by the Welsh Government who contributed to the monument.

Special traffic arrangements will apply, the road Boezinge - Langemark will be closed in the afternoon as at least 10 Welsh coaches have been announced..

The memorial will be dedicated to all people of Welsh origin who participated in the Great War, whatever the front was (including the homefront) and to all those who served in Welsh regiments.

Ceremony is open to all.

I maintain a facebookpage about this project: https://www.facebook.com/welshmemorial?ref_type=bookmark


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Thank you for the update Erwin. Wish I could attend, but I will look forward to seeing the pictures/reports in due course.


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Thanks for that Erwin.

I didn't know the date - thought it might have been July 31st.

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Thank you Erwin. I look forward to visiting at the end of August.


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Is there a map showing exactly where the site is and which bits of road will be closed off? Im probably at Lille and Bruxelles late on the friday and may be able to put off return for a day seeing its a saturday.


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Iron Cross - just up the road from Cement House Cemetery.

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Iron Cross - just up the road from Cement House Cemetery.

Thanks. Is that after you pass the menin gate but before you get to tooting bus garage?

(has anybody got any details which could be understood by somebody who doesnt know the area?)


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Hoping this helps

Boezinge = first village north of Ypres, near canal.

Pilkem is on the border Boezinge - Langemark (= village east of Boezinge)

Hamlet Hagebos = is just a little east of Pilkem.

If from Boezinge : find road to Langemark

If from Ypres : find road to Pilkem (Pilkemseweg), cross Expressroad, and after a mile or 2, right to Hagebos.

Hope to see you there. :-)



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  • 2 weeks later...

I managed a diversion to wipers a few days ago and checked out the location. From the entrance to cement house cemetery turn left - west and stay on that road for 3/10 of a mile and its on the left hand side of the road. Still done up in canvas like above so to get a look I had to stand on the van roof and cut the ropes off. If you dont have a high van you will need a ladder :lol:


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Margaret and I are looking forwards to being there for the unveiling.


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Like many others we will be unable to attend the unveiling of the Welsh National Memorial to all who fell in the Great War, our thoughts as always on the day will be with Robert Jones who fell not far away at Passchendaele whilst serving with the York and Lancaster Regiment.

Kevin a Linda

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Writing from Ypres/Ieper, I have been up to see the site today, and it looks really good. I had to wait ages in today's limp wind to get a photo with Y Ddraig Goch showing properly on the flag.

A slightly sour note in that, having contributed through friend in the Lleyn Peninsula, I contacted an organiser in Wales earlier this year to ask if I could attend the unveiling and was told that it would not be possible to fit anyone else in ... full stop. I was quite prepared to make my dates in Ieper match. I visited the site today to find an enormous field being cleared of hay/straw and a large sign advertising the time and date, as Erwin says, to all. Probably a miusunderstanding but I was quite clear in expressing my general interest, my support and that I would have been travelling independently.

However, I am delighted to see it there and every credit to those involved in West Flanders and in Wales.. I wish the best of weather for 16 August and a good journey to all, especially those travelling from Wales.

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Ceremony is open to all.

A slightly sour note in that, having contributed through friend in the Lleyn Peninsula, I contacted an organiser in Wales earlier this year to ask if I could attend the unveiling and was told that it would not be possible to fit anyone else in ... full stop.

Which One?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Pic 2

Sorry, I can't. I keep getting "Error. This file was too big to upload."

Yet only 200 kB or so. :-(

I'll try again later.


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And pic 4

(I still have a dozen or two, but I think I should give other (Welsh) GWF members the opportunity too. After all it would only be fair : I can come home by bike and download and post, they have to go to the coast, take a boat and a coach etc. :-(



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Aurel, did you bump into Bruce Hubbard? Perhaps he may upload some photos later.


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