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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

War Diaries Online


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While recently trawling through the new documents that the NA has kindly uploaded for remote customers in their online project, I've made a rather unpleasant (for me anyway) find.

It appears that they've finally realised that the war diaries are far too good value at 3.50 for about 4-6 months worth, and have now gone to 3.50 for one month. At that rate a full war diary for those of us who can't get to the NA is going to be 170-200 pounds. :blink:

On the plus side they don't appear to have changed the pricing structure for the the diaries loaded prior to last weekend, but unfortunately for me none of "my" regiments are there.

I suppose I'll just have to hope that there is something special about the 1st Bn Warwickshire Regt diary that made them upload it this way, or they are testing the waters, but I fear it may be the forerunner of things to come.

I realise they have to make a profit and hopefully it gets re-invested so more documents are made available online, but it seems a little steep.

Well, rant over. I'm off to go and have a look at the free Canadian war diaries! ;)


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We members of the extended family should slap you about the face with a wet fish.

Warwickshire Regiment, indeed! ROYAL Warwickshire, if you please. ;)

You make a sound point about the NA. Speaking as a civil servant, as the NA have not been 'agencified' yet, they are not supposed to be 'for profit', but effectively trebling the cost smells to high heaven, for all the good work it does.

A long while ago, an academic colleague took the India Office Library to the Department of Trade, claiming that its photocopying costs were excessive as there was no alternative to using its service, monopoly, etc etc. He won. It's getting close to that. Mind you, I wouldn't expect much change as I wrote to my MP once in high dudgeon as I had been stopped and asked if I would consider paying an annual sub for my reader's ticket. I replied that as I ws already paying for the NA, this would not be a welcome development, and played to MP's predilection for Freedom of Information. To be fair, she forwarded it to the Keeper who sent an extremely snooty and dismissive reply, presuming I had the intellect of a bar of soap.

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As a new member, I wasn't aware you could download War Diaries from the NA. I've trawled the NA website with little success, any chance of posting a link to the relevant page ?

I also agree with your comments,

Many thanks


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This isn't DOWNLOADING War Diaries (a la Canadian archives) but instead the cost of getting the NA to photocopy them for you in absentia. Would that we could download.

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These diaries that are being mentioned are available for download.

There are diaries that have been scanned that you can view on the PC at the PRO for nout but you have a £3.50 charge to view (download) from home.

Search for wo 95/1342 in docs online and you will see the guards brigade for download.

I think that they will not allow you to view the original at the PRO now if it has been scanned.

The canadian archive does also have a few UK diaries available for download.

'Canadian' uk diaries



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