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Who is This ? ? ?

Stoppage Drill

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Looks like another fine mess he`s getting himself into!

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Well done!

Go to 3.12 here;

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Not seen this film before, but have happy memories of L+H films. Thanks to one of my uncles, I grew up believing that Stan Laurel was Clint Eastwood`s father.

A further clue to help with my chap from the previous page would be that we have very good reason to remember him on Armistice Day.

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Clue...He was born in North Shields in 1890 and died in 1965, and yes everyone knows him. He is making dinner. He is wearing WW1 U.S. gear.

I thought he was born somewhere else, namely a county that no longer exists as it once did, in a cottage that bears a plaque stating that he was born there in 1890?

But perhaps I'm thinking of somebody else?

But there's a lorra little men it could be I suppose??

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Beats me, I got the info from google. I always thought he was Clint Eastwoods Da.

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Good find, Uncle George. Shame to see that there were no takers. I`ve been away for a couple of weeks, and consequently haven`t been able to partake. I`ve missed WIT, but have to confess that a fortnight in a cozy lochside cottage in the Sottish highlands did come with it`s compensations. Nevertheless, I`ve been looking forward to getting back to it, and sad to see that it appears to have ground to a halt.

I`ll offer up this author/politician, in an attempt to kick-start us again.

Knighted, and convicted of high treason. Who is this???attachicon.gifgh.jpg

Well, it's not Roger Casement or Erskine Childers, the two candidates who first spring to mind.


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Well, it's not Roger Casement or Erskine Childers, the two candidates who first spring to mind.


My man was convicted of high treason in his country of birth, which wasn`t England or Ireland, but he was knighted in England.

A prominent politician in his homeland, and the author of a very well known children`s book, which would appear to have a Scottish connection.

His eldest son was killed in 1917 in the Somme area.

Once more; I draw attention to the fact that Armistice day is highly relevant to his memory.

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With the Bedfordshires, yes. This shows him circa Boer War. He was notable in WWI for noncombatant activities.

Clue : he demonstrated his pen was mightier than the sword.

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Henry Williamson?


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Ellis Ashmead-Bartlett, war correspondent WW1, Gallipoli and all that ?


Indeed. An example of the reptiles of the press being right for once.

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My man was convicted of high treason in his country of birth, which wasn`t England or Ireland, but he was knighted in England.

A prominent politician in his homeland, and the author of a very well known children`s book, which would appear to have a Scottish connection.

His eldest son was killed in 1917 in the Somme area.

Once more; I draw attention to the fact that Armistice day is highly relevant to his memory.

Long silence.

South African by birth. Strongly sympathetic to the British during the Boer war and WW1.

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NF, when I read your original I thought that if it wasn't Ireland it might be South Africa (honest). I had a bit of a wander around the dramatis personae of the 2nd Boer war without making a hit. I confidently predict a Homer Simpson style "Doh!" when all is revealed. I haven't been close to identifying anyone for ages.


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NF, when I read your original I thought that if it wasn't Ireland it might be South Africa (honest). I had a bit of a wander around the dramatis personae of the 2nd Boer war without making a hit. I confidently predict a Homer Simpson style "Doh!" when all is revealed. I haven't been close to identifying anyone for ages.


Two minutes of long silence should be enough to bring him to mind. :whistle:

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"Dear ???,

The King, who learns that you are shortly to leave for South Africa, desires me to assure you that he ever gratefully remembers that the idea of the Two Minute Pause on Armistice Day was due to your initiation, a suggestion readily adopted and carried out with heartfelt sympathy throughout the Empire."

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Jan Christian Smuts?


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Jan Christian Smuts?


Sorry Ron, not him. Time to wrap him up I think. The children`s book that he is well known for is called Jock of the......

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Not that well known for, apparently!


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Not that well known for, apparently!


Can`t argue with that on this showing, Ron. :lol: The book was Jock of the Bushveld, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jock_of_the_Bushveld which I must say I had heard of, but haven`t read.

Sir Percy seemed like quite a colourful character. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Percy_FitzPatrick

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Can`t argue with that on this showing, Ron. :lol: The book was Jock of the Bushveld, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jock_of_the_Bushveld which I must say I had heard of, but haven`t read.

Sir Percy seemed like quite a colourful character. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Percy_FitzPatrick

NF, a very interesting man. I however wouldn't have got him if you chained me to a typewriter for an infinite time.


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Drawn a blank so far with Nutters and Hatters.........

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Drawn a blank so far with Nutters and Hatters.........

He played a gallant part in the GW, but received a severe head injury on the Western Front which meant that he was eventually invalided out of the army. It also might explain a great deal.

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But I don't think he is wearing an Army uniform. Any clues there?


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