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Who is This ? ? ?

Stoppage Drill

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But I don't think he is wearing an Army uniform. Any clues there?


No, the uniform is not a clue (as far as I know).

He "found the secret hand of Jewry behind most historical upheavals, including Oliver Cromwell, the French Revolution, the Russian Revolution and the Spanish Revolution."

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"Boney" Fuller?


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"Boney" Fuller?


No - he does look like Fuller and you're on the right lines. [Pun here.]

"His bibles became 'Mein Kampf' and the 'Protocols of the Elders of Zion'." He was an MP from 1931 until (incredibly) 1945.

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Duff Cooper?


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I thought it might be Fuller because the clues tick a couple of boxes and he looks similar, but having followed some of the links to the Nordic League in the extensive library I come up with Archibald Maule Ramsay. A real eye opener uncle, excellent choice (if correct of course).


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Duff Cooper?


I thought it might be Fuller because the clues tick a couple of boxes and he looks similar, but having followed some of the links to the Nordic League in the extensive library I come up with Archibald Maule Ramsay. A real eye opener uncle, excellent choice (if correct of course).


Pete has him! What a piece of work he was.


Ramsay it is: doyen of the Right Club, interned MP and sheer bloody lunatic.


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OK - who's this fellow traveller ? ? ? His memoirs might be seen as a mirror image to those of Robertson.


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OK - who's this fellow traveller ? ? ? His memoirs might be seen as a mirror image to those of Robertson.

By mirror image do you mean exactly the opposite ?

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OK - who's this fellow traveller ? ? ? His memoirs might be seen as a mirror image to those of Robertson.

Edward Prince of Wales ? But this would be postwar if him. Photo looks older than he would have been in WWI.

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By mirror image do you mean exactly the opposite ?

Quite so.

Edward Prince of Wales ? But this would be postwar if him.

Not Edward, no.

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So - more clues for the fellow traveller of #2836: he gave distinguished service during the GW, including command of the cruiser HMS Centaur; he became an Admiral; the title of his memoir includes the word 'cabin' - a reference to his cell at Brixton prison.

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Uncle, if I were a better or nicer person I would be ashamed of having shovelled all of your last clues into a search engine which came up with Barry Domville. He doesn't half look like John de Robeck in that photograph. Another very interesting man, in the sense of the old Chinese curse I fear; I doubt if I would ever have come across these men without this thread.


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Uncle, if I were a better or nicer person I would be ashamed of having shovelled all of your last clues into a search engine which came up with Barry Domville. He doesn't half look like John de Robeck in that photograph. Another very interesting man, in the sense of the old Chinese curse I fear; I doubt if I would ever have come across these men without this thread.


Domville it is. The Director of Naval Intelligence, founder of The Link and single-minded believer in 'Judmas', the Jewish masonic plot. Interned during the Second war.

His memoir was entitled 'From Admiral to Cabin Boy', a conscious (it seems to me) echo of Robertson's autobiography.


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Continuing my theme. In many ways, however, this was an admirable man. He was "appalled at the [National] Government's almost total indifference to the human aspects of unemployment, industrial relations, and agricultural decline." He regarded "the persecution of Jews in Germany ... with disgust and resentment."

Who is he ? ? ?


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Another clue, then, for the complicated "admirable man of conscience" and admirer (with many reservations) of Hitler and Nazi Germany: Gertrude Bell was his Deputy and Oriental Secretary during and after the GW.

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Sir Arnold Wilson was the colonial administrator of Mesopotamia during the GW, and afterwards at the Paris Peace Conference successfully recommended that the name of the country be changed to Iraq.

He became an MP, an apologist for Nazi Germany and an appeaser - "the most consistent panegyric of [that] regime" - "an admirer of Hitler and an unscrupulous propagandist for Mussolini and Hitler." Yet when war was declared he announced, "I have no desire to shelter myself and live in safety behind the ramparts of the bodies of millions of our young men."

He joined the RAF (at the age of 55) and became a rear-gunner - "The rear-gunner of those 1940 days, in those machines, was lucky, and a good shot, if he made a dozen sorties."

On 31 May 1940 he was shot down and killed.


(My theme has been public servants, with distinguished Great War careers, who made the wrong judgement in the years that followed. Much of the information and most of the quotes on Ramsay, Domville and Wilson are from Richard Griffiths' 'Fellow Travellers of the Right' [1980].)

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Nice work Uncle George. As Pete said earlier, a lot of the characters that we are unearthing now would have remained in obscurity were it not for this thread. Once their stories are brought to light, I think that there are many subjects who are no less interesting than the better known ones.

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Nice work Uncle George. As Pete said earlier, a lot of the characters that we are unearthing now would have remained in obscurity were it not for this thread. Once their stories are brought to light, I think that there are many subjects who are no less interesting than the better known ones.

Thanks NF. Continuing my theme, then. (This chap was a 'public servant' as an academic and an educator.) He is far from obscure. Who is he ? ? ?


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Edmund Blunden? To echo NF's point above I'm not sure I wanted to know about the characters on the far right after WW1 but now I know I find it very educational. But as I have said before this thread has been the proper education that I was denied by having to work down pit when I was but a lad........ :whistle:


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Edmund Blunden? To echo NF's point above I'm not sure I wanted to know about the characters on the far right after WW1 but now I know I find it very educational. But as I have said before this thread has been the proper education that I was denied by having to work down pit when I was but a lad........ :whistle:


Blunden, yes. In July 1939 (sic) he wrote of his "own visits to Germany under Hitler. The prevailing sense I had, and it does not fade, was of a great clearness and freshness of life, a pervading revival of national dignity and personal unselfishness; something like the quality that Wordsworth once knew in France and expresses in a famous passage of 'The Prelude.' "

[For the benefit of any Wykehamists present (as WSC might say): "Bliss it was in that dawn to be alive / But to be young was very heaven."]

Griffiths: "... he obviously ignored both the Kristallnacht Pogrom and the invasion of Prague."

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I wonder if I might be allowed to enter this fascinating thread?

Whilst awaiting a reply, here is the first clue as to this man's identity.

A native of one of the numerous South Wales valleys, and in a reserved occupation.


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Taking a slight tangent to U.G.`s theme. Do you know this woman, whose heart seemed to shift from being in the right place during WW1 to somewhere very wrong in later years.

You could say she went from being right to being right.post-95959-0-43519900-1434910149_thumb.j

EDIT; Apologies, Dai Bach y Sowldiwr, I was posting at the same time as you, and so didn`t see your post.

Welcome to the thread. The more the merrier!

Edited by neverforget
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I wonder if I might be allowed to enter this fascinating thread?

Whilst awaiting a reply, here is the first clue as to this man's identity.

A native of one of the numerous South Wales valleys, and in a reserved occupation.


It's not Bevan is it?

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Taking a slight tangent to U.G.`s theme. Do you know this woman, whose heart seemed to shift from being in the right place during WW1 to somewhere very wrong in later years.

You could say she went from being right to being right.attachicon.gifbg (2).jpg

Is this Routha Lintorn-Orman? During the GW she served in ambulance units in Serbia and became in charge of all ambulance drivers for the Red Cross. In the 20s she founded the British Fascisti.

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