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Who is This ? ? ?

Stoppage Drill

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The photo in post 3022 is of a vice-admiral. That rules out Freyberg.

It is in fact Hedworth Meux.


"This man was involved in one of the celebrated deception operations of the War". ??

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I think this refers to the Q-ships, disguised as ordinary merchant ships to entice U-boats to the surface to sink them, and then uncovering concealed guns with RN crews to sink the U-boats.


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I think this refers to the Q-ships, disguised as ordinary merchant ships to entice U-boats to the surface to sink them, and then uncovering concealed guns with RN crews to sink the U-boats.


Yes - see page 5 of the link in post #3028.

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Drat! I bin looking at WW1 deceptions.

Still, I did find some camouflaged ships (Norman Wilkinson) but I was way off track.

Well solved Ron.

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I think this refers to the Q-ships, disguised as ordinary merchant ships to entice U-boats to the surface to sink them, and then uncovering concealed guns with RN crews to sink the U-boats.


Thanks for enlightening me on that. Wikipedia article claims that Q-ships were relative failures on basis of submarines destroyed in return for investment in men and money. Accurate ? I realize we also need to consider deterrence and other factors - did these vessels lead to U-boat commanders avoiding risks and hence making fewer attacks ? I'm thinking of AA fire which was used to deny airspace to an enemy and force him to fly defensively as well as just shooting him down : so its effectiveness is measured in terms of reduced effectiveness of bombing and strafing rather than just numbers shot down.

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Who knows this lady???post-95959-0-92422400-1438081167_thumb.j

Twice mentioned in dispatches for gallantry.


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O.K. A further hint for #3034:

Served with distinction at the front for the duration.

Her books are her record of the same.

There are ladies on this forum who would know her at a glance. Indeed, one of them has "enlightened" us with a glowing review of one of her books.

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No,but she is a sister something.

One of a very few sisters to be so highly decorated.

R.R.C. and bar.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Time to wrap this one up I think, before the thread sinks into the abyss.

She is Sister Kate Luard. http://kateluard.co.uk/about-kate-luard

Responsible for two books; ‘Diary of a Nursing Sister on the Western Front 1914-1915’. This received ecstatic reviews:

‘It is the most vivid and the most painful description of life and death at the Front that has been printed, and at the same time the most buoyantly cheerful. It is a thrilling story, written evidently without exaggeration……a trained nurse has jotted down in this diary a story of suffering and brave endurance which cannot be read unmoved’.
‘This little collection of letters written home with never a thought of publication, is worth dozens of more pretentious war-books’.
And "Unknown Warriors" about which Field-Marshal Viscount Allenby said ‘It is a tale of heroism, modestly told, but unsurpassed in interest by any War novel yet written’ Also reviewed here by our own Sue Light http://kateluard.co.uk/
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Well I`m blowed. No action for a week, and then two posts almost simultaneously! :blink:

Well done Uncle George. Got there just in time with the correct answer.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This chap was a maverick/visionary, who`s intuitions, particularly in gunnery, were more often than not proved correct.


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This chap was a maverick/visionary, who`s intuitions, particularly in gunnery, were more often than not proved correct.


Admiral Percy Scott, he of the improvised naval guns on field carriages in the Boer War and Great War ? AA defence organizer, aircraft-carrier proponent, etc. etc...

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Admiral Percy Scott, he of the improvised naval guns on field carriages in the Boer War and Great War ? AA defence organizer, aircraft-carrier proponent, etc. etc...

Etc. etc. is right as well!

One of the Great War greats I.M.H.O. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Percy_Scott

Well sussed RodB.

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This bloke (getting his fag lit in 1928) fought in the infantry, decided he'd rather fly, flew a SPAD and shot down four German aircraft before getting wounded and shot down and ending the war as a trainer. Postwar he had a short happy life and did it all - barnstoming, records, entrepreneur, honours etc, until..


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Charles Kingsford Smith

indeed it is. he also has the unique record of turning his back on a king with the king's permission - he was on crutches for his award.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Regarding references made to Grace Darling Seibold (who founded the ‘Gold Star Mothers) … thought I would share this ....


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It was I who put her up for identification, so thanks for sharing that with us. I remember being quite moved when I read her story, which I stumbled across via her son. An outstandingly dedicated lady.

Which is how I would describe this next candidate; post-95959-0-78143900-1442241415_thumb.j who had a close association with these four soldiers:post-95959-0-99521000-1442241392_thumb.j

Can you fill in the details???

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Books, films, plays and television programmes have been made on the subject.

A monument has been erected in memory of them, and their example.

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Those are the Four Corporals of Suippes. Not sure who the lady is though.

Quite right, Mr. Drill. They are indeed the four Corporals of Suippes. https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Affaire_des_caporaux_de_Souain

You could say that the lady in question fought their corner.

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So this would be Eulalie Lechat, the sister.


P.S. Good to see a little flicker in the old thread and nice to have our chief of men back. Good choice of subject Mr Plumb.

P.P.S. And I should have added that the original incident is cited as the inspiration for Stanley Kubrick's "Paths of Glory".

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