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Who is This ? ? ?

Stoppage Drill

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Not water, or munitions, but food.

It is the Viscount Devonport who was one time Minister of Food Control during the Great War.

Indeed so. Here's a link to the Ministry of Food Control's National Kitchens - "It was thought that Public Kitchens were to be inflicted on the poor as some kind of punishment for a crime unstated":


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I have to declare an interest here Steve; my friend Paul and my sis are plannng some work on the history of women's football as part of the EFC Heritage Society's links with Everton Ladies. I have a Manchester City supporting mate and I think his grandmother played for Dick, Kerr Ladies, of Dick, Kerr's Ladies as it is sometimes written. Dick, Kerr & Co were a Scottish company making locomotives for the War Office and had a factory in Preston of course.The totally wonderful Lily Parr sounds like my kind of girl.....


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I have to declare an interest here Steve; my friend Paul and my sis are plannng some work on the history of women's football as part of the EFC Heritage Society's links with Everton Ladies. I have a Manchester City supporting mate and I think his grandmother played for Dick, Kerr Ladies, of Dick, Kerr's Ladies as it is sometimes written. Dick, Kerr & Co were a Scottish company making locomotives for the War Office and had a factory in Preston of course.The totally wonderful Lily Parr sounds like my kind of girl.....


That`s amazing! I reckon that one had your name on it then.

I think I`ve fallen for Lily too :wub:

Indeed so. Here's a link to the Ministry of Food Control's National Kitchens - "It was thought that Public Kitchens were to be inflicted on the poor as some kind of punishment for a crime unstated":


Well that`s the food and drink of it then. Nice one Uncle George. :thumbsup:

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Well that`s the food and drink of it then. Nice one Uncle George. :thumbsup:

Here's WSC on a later occasion, rejecting the proposed name 'Communal Feeding Centre': "It is an odious expression, sugggestive of Communism and the workhouse. I suggest you call them 'British Restaurants'. Everybody associates the word 'restaurant' with a good meal, and they may as well have the name if they cannot get anything else."

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The central character here is shown with his two artistically driven sisters. He commanded a brigade, and then a division, before getting involved with intelligence.

All three were descended from Queen Victoria.


I have included his sisters because one was awarded the Légion d'honneur, (though goodness knows why) and the other received the Italian Bronze Medal of Military Valour, which was more understandable.

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The central character here is shown with his two artistically driven sisters. He commanded a brigade, and then a division, before getting involved with intelligence.

All three were descended from Queen Victoria.


I have included his sisters because one was awarded the Légion d'honneur, (though goodness knows why) and the other received the Italian Bronze Medal of Military Valour, which was more understandable.

He is Lord Edward Gleichen. The sister awarded the Italian bravery award was Lady Helena Gleichen. The other sister was Lady Feodora.

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Continuing my theme of supply. Food and water have been covered. ('Supply' is, when I think about it, too vulgar a word in this instance.) But anyway: who is this ? ? ?

(Pete will I imagine have the answer.)


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He is Lord Edward Gleichen. The sister awarded the Italian bravery award was Lady Helena Gleichen. The other sister was Lady Feodora.

Comprehensively correct U.G.

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Continuing my theme of supply. Food and water have been covered. ('Supply' is, when I think about it, too vulgar a word in this instance.) But anyway: who is this ? ? ?

(Pete will I imagine have the answer.)

I`ve spent quite a while on this one, and still scratching my head. I`ve been down tracks marked "medic" and "photography". I also wondered if she was some sort of entertainer and looked into that, but so far I`ve just drawn blanks.

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(Pete will I imagine have the answer.)

I've completely wilted under the pressure of expectation. A decorated lady in an Adrian helmet standing on a muddy battlefield with a camera on a tripod amidst cheery poilus. A photograph which continues the theme of supply. I'm sorry, I haven't a clue. The only thing I can say is I don't think she played for Dick, Kerr Ladies. Speaking of clues are there any on offer Uncle? Not that I'm desperate.......


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Would this have anything to do with the marraines de guerre, the network of French women who adopted poilus and provided support for them?


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Would this have anything to do with the marraines de guerre, the network of French women who adopted poilu's and provided support for them?


Yes! This lady was a marraine not for one individual poilu. (You have a special interest in this particular area, I think.)

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At a guess this is going to be something to do with Verdun, I've heard of poilus accumulating multiple marraines (one had 44 and ended up deserting according to Alastair Horne) but not of the other way around. Now I am intrigued, cracking post uncle.


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At a guess this is going to be something to do with Verdun, I've heard of poilus accumulating multiple marraines (one had 44 and ended up deserting according to Alastair Horne) but not of the other way around. Now I am intrigued, cracking post uncle.


Yes, Verdun it is. To be more specific, this lady was marraine du fort de Douaumont. There, I've given it away.

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You are too generous uncle: La vicomtesse Benoist d’Azy. I'd love to know more about the lady, particularly as Douaumont was occupied by the Germans for most of 1916. I've got Christina Holstein's book on the fort somewhere, I'll go and see if she mentions her.


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Another cracking find U.G.

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See from page 150 here. Please read it:


Carrie - how one's heart yields to her.

Thanks for this link U.G. I`ve read up until she has been awarded her croix de guerre. An extremely harrowing read but fantastic stuff. I`ll be re-visiting it later.

I`m going to lump this fellow in with your "supply" theme, but we`re stretching it a little.

He did provide a service however, which led to great improvements, with a connection to one of your recent posts.post-95959-0-09460700-1445799374_thumb.j

Aside from this contribution, he served in a regular infantry unit, and was twice decorated.

A very clever chap.

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One I know.

He was a doctor.........Hurrah!

...and a politician .........Booooo!

And highly honoured in civvy street too.

Would you care to put this one to bed Dai, orr anyone else for that matter?

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John Boyd Orr aka Lord Boyd-Orr.

Physician, politician, Nobel Laureate.

Researched into link between poverty and malnutrition.


MP (Glasgow Universities)

An all round first class chap

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