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Hm, is tnat by William Orpen?

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Hm, is tnat by William Orpen?

Not Orpen I'm afraid SJ

Christopher Williams (The Welsh at Mametz etc)?

Nor Williams Dai Bach


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Briefly back to paintings but with a very tangental TEL connection


Who is the painter, and what is the loose connection to the thread's patron saint?


I`d say Augustus John, and he did paint this:post-95959-0-89373700-1459253128_thumb.j

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Is the painting the one the MoD owns of an unknown Canadian?


I don`t know David`s picture to be honest, but A.J. painted this one, which I believe is a Canadian soldier.


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NF and Knotty

Well done both. Right on all counts. It is by Augustus John and my one was the 'Unknown Soldier' owned by my former employers.

John was attached to the CEF and painted a series of portraits to which he, on purpose, gave no names as he was trying to portray something about the experience of fighting men rather than of any individuals.

It always struck me as ironic therefore that his most famous image of the war has become the almost quintessentially individual one of TEL. The most iconic image of this iconic man


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Staying with paintings. Who the devil is this artist???


Self-portrait included.

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On the contrary; I`ve testaments from many a young lady who all assure me that in fact, Ghazala is a perfectly nice chap!

It is indeed Bela Kiss, which like you I`m sure our TELstar knew from the start. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Béla_Kiss

This is good stuff, keep it up. Missed todays inputs unfortunately after putting in a shift at Clouds Hill.

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should have paid more attention to Ghazala who obviously knew straight away. Not a nice chap to meet if you were a young lady.


Mrs Ghazala found this very amusing.

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This is the famous sketch by Augustus John. TEL went with Feisal to John's flat overlooking the Seine in 1919. Whilst John and Feisal were talking TEL was looking out of John's window. John turned and sketched him in 4 minutes.


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That will teach me to censor what I type, just because I thought of something, it doesn't mean I should write it, as it will possibly taken out of context.

[That sounds like politician speak]

Still glad it brought a smile to peoples faces.

Back to neverforgets painting, I'm sure I've seen it at the IWM, but I thought it was an unknown artist. As yet still cant fathom out who it is ....yet.


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Got it

Austin Osman Spare..Operating in a Regimental Aid-post. He was a conscript in the RAMC, and never served overseas.

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Got it

Austin Osman Spare..Operating in a Regimental Aid-post. He was a conscript in the RAMC, and never served overseas.

Spare it is. Also worked as an official war artist. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Austin_Osman_Spare

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Moving on: Awarded the Military Cross in WW1, this fellow had many strings to his bow, and is known for exploits on land sea and air. It would be fair to call him an adventurer.


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Charles Ulm


Not Ulm, but you do have the correct nationality.

At the time he won his Military Cross, for rescuing the wounded, his main duties were non-combative. He wasn`t a medic.

Shortly afterwards, still whilst in his non-combative role, he was awarded a bar to his M.C. for taking charge of a party of soldiers during battle, who had seen all their officers killed.

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Hi neverforget

It is Hubert Wilkins, was an official photographer in the war, but was an explorer,geographer, submariner, etc.etc.. A quick read up of this chap shows him to be a definite adventurer.


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Hi neverforget

It is Hubert Wilkins, was an official photographer in the war, but was an explorer,geographer, submariner, etc.etc.. A quick read up of this chap shows him to be a definite adventurer.


It is indeed Sir George Hubert Wilkins MC & Bar. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hubert_Wilkins

I have to say, your rate of deduction over such a wide range of subjects is quite astounding John.

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Many happy returns to Uncle George for the last 10 minutes of birthday. Sorry I didn't post earlier, out at the conference which was v good.


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Many happy returns to Uncle George for the last 10 minutes of birthday. Sorry I didn't post earlier, out at the conference which was v good.


Escaped my attention too. Many Happy returns Uncle.

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...And mine. Belated good wishes to the creator of WAIWAs!


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