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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Who is This ? ? ?

Stoppage Drill

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Is this Stephen Tennant......... said to be the model for Sebastian Flyte in 'Brideshead Revisited'?

One of several candidates for the origin of Sebastian.

Another was Alistair (Alastair?) Graham, who lived latterly in New Quay, Ceredigion.

A lover of Evelyn Waugh, and not in the literary sense.

And a member of Dylan Thomas' clique.

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#4559; Helen Dorothea Harcourt?

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More tea vicar???post-95959-0-91615200-1461778677_thumb.j

Another LOTWP

EDIT> Actually; More tea Father might be more appropriate. Don`t want to send anyone down the wrong denomination.

Edited by neverforget
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#4559; Helen Dorothea Harcourt?

'Fraid not. Her husband was famous as a writer long before he acquired his barony.

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Correct, JP!

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I like the Butler link, but not her I'm afraid. He was actually a priest.

Both lover and war poet were involved in propaganda during WW1. Both were writers too.

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This is a definite struggle, nice one


The beauty is in all the unexpected characters that one uncovers during the course of the search. It is for me anyway.

More clues to help: They both worked at the British Propaganda Department, and the lover pictured ended up as head of a section at the Ministry of Information.

One was Welsh, and the other Irish.

The poet is probably best known as a novelist first, and a poet second, a few being war poems.

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John Galsworthy?

Not him either I`m afraid.

Their affair was conducted over many years, even though one of them was already married.

The poet`s final, and best known novel would feature towers and a camel.

The book`s opening lines, were quite topical:

"Adultery is a meanness and a stealing, a taking away from someone what should be theirs, a great selfishness, and surrounded and guarded by lies lest it should be found out. And out of meanness and selfishness and lying, flow love and joy and peace beyond anything that can be imagined."

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He is Gerald O'Donovan, lover of Rose Macauley.

Blimey that was hard work. Excellent! The War Propaganda Bureau - I knew nothing of them!

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He is Gerald O'Donovan, lover of Rose Macauley.

Blimey that was hard work. Excellent! The War Propaganda Bureau - I knew nothing of them!

Me neither up until I stumbled upon it during a recent search for a previous LOTWP.

Dame Rose McCauley`s https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rose_Macaulay lover Gerald O`Donovan it is.

Very well played UG. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerald_O%27Donovan

Plenty more left, but that`s it from me for a bit. My dreaded nightshifts start tonight after just having four months off work. Can`t say I`m looking forward to it.

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Well done UG, that was a classic NF, going to miss some of the challenges if your going away for a bit, still it will give me time to sharpen up the detecting skills if as you say you have more left!.

Need to dig out some of those I have found, and post on thread.


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WIT, probably been on here before, so it may be easy.

The eldest of 13 siblings, born in 1881 into a family of sharecroppers, he obtained his doctorate in 1904, and was conscripted into the army at the start of the war as a sergeant, stretcher-bearer and as a chaplain, surviving the war he was discharged in 1919 with a successful career, rising to the "top" he lived until 1963.


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This is Pope John XXIII, Knotty

We have had him as a WIT but not as a WAIWA


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Spot on David

I guessed he had been picked before, so threw one in to keep the thread up with NF going off for a while.


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Nearly 5 hours on and off searching nothing close-yet.

A very pretty lady, she does not have the classic early 20th Century look about her, you're sure it's not KK in disguise?


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Nearly 5 hours on and off searching nothing close-yet.

A very pretty lady, she does not have the classic early 20th Century look about her, you're sure it's not KK in disguise?


Her husband (who served in the GW) did write a very well-known book on the War, but it is fair to say that he is better known for other reasons.

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Good grief it WSC's wife Clementine in a visit to Aldershot in 1910.


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Good grief it WSC's wife Clementine in a visit to Aldershot in 1910.


Yes it is. Next week: 'Eleanor Roosevelt - the Catwalk Years'.


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I feel the sub thread Politicians Wives (and Girlfriends) coming on

Having said that it has probably been done in the past


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I feel the sub thread Politicians Wives (and Girlfriends) coming on

Having said that it has probably been done in the past


Indeed: I posted this young woman ("the most beautiful girl in England"); but she didn't last long ...

EDIT: painting of Mona Dunn deleted - I didn't mean this to be another WIT, and anyway the Mods might not like it.

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