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Who is This ? ? ?

Stoppage Drill

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I'm confused is row B third row down so are we talking about the bald chap?

The bald chap is, I believe, B4.

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Second row down 9 is Elsie Knocker

Third row down 1 is that Richard Travis VC

Top row 10 is that Bert Jacka?

Knocker and Jacka were spotted earlier. Pete thought b1 was Leslie Andrew VC

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You seem to have posted your 'Wanted' list upside down?

I thought you said Row A was on the bottom and Row D was on the top?

I did and it is and I'm begin to wish I had never started this. Uncle George's post 4880 sorts it, although we have C10 Roy Inwood and b9 Private Tickle


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I did and it is and I'm begin to wish I had never started this. Uncle George's post 4880 sorts it, although we have C10 Roy Inwood and b9 Private Tickle


And B5 Harry Farr.

We do not have B4 (the bald chap).

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B4 (the follicle challenged) -Sir Harold Gillies the plastic surgery pioneer


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Just had confirmed from a friend in the West Country that B7 is Lance Corporal Harry Van Tromp,(Royal Fusiliers) son of the Mayor of Taunton, he was killed at Vimy on 23rd May just 6 days after the photo was taken aged 32. He was a Boer War veteran and a survived an early airplane crash in 1914.

Hoping for some more information.


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(I hope Pete has survived his morning with the elderly, disgruntled Evertonians)

B5 is I think an echo of the photo that started our peregrinations through the photo record of the Great War. It is described as a German soldier captured during the battle of the Menin Ridge during the attack on Vampire Farm in 1917; it's part of the National Army Museum collection, and although an (insert the word derived from Orthodox church art that we can't use) image of WW1 I have never seen him identified. I have often wondered if it was taken by one of Charteris' intelligence officers to show the low quality of German troops to report back to Haig (just one last push sir). Just supposition on my part of course.

The troops were in good spirits this morning; we are a multi-faith group (blues and reds). Everton cancelled the end of season awards dinner last night in the wake of sacking our likeable but defensively inept manager and the club donated the rather swanky food to various charities in the city. We spent a happy morning making doggy bags for the over 75's to take home with them so I didn't get a chance to do my third WiT? quiz. I have been meaning to thank everyone who helped me with suggestions; John and Helpjpl in particular. WiT?3 is v hard, but WiT?4 is positively fiendish. Having said that I thought that Harry Truman would slow them up in the second quiz and they got him in one. It was the glasses. They struggled with Anthony Eden interestingly enough, I though he would go in seconds.


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B5 is I think an echo of the photo that started our peregrinations through the photo record of the Great War.


Do you mean C6 Pete?

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Do you mean C6 Pete?

Almost certainly, give me about six months and I should get the hang of it. I even counted twice and still got it wrong; I was failed by the education system...........

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To many fag breaks:-)

Clearly. I know the man bottom row seven from the right and he came up when I was searching for images to illustrate a talk on the war poets' Merseyside links but I can't find it again, which is mildly irritating.


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The chap at A4 is 2nd Lt Maxwell Dalton Barrows 5th Batt. Sherwood Foresters Kia 3/10/1918 aged 20,was this the man you were referring to?


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Is c6 FW Harvey?

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We think c6 is a German sJ. However FW Harvey is an excellent addition to WIT as he is a war poet we've not had before



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Morning all. Just back from my first fishing trip of the year.

If I have my map references correct, then a9 is Filip Konowal V.C. and c10 is Reginald Roy Inwood V.C.


I see that c10 has already been taken, so, one that I`m surprised that David didn`t spot; d7 is Sir William Orpen.

Edited by neverforget
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Morning all. Just back from my first fishing trip of the year.

If I have my map references correct, then a9 is Filip Konowal V.C. and c10 is Reginald Roy Inwood V.C.


I see that c10 has already been taken, so, one that I`m surprised that David didn`t spot; d7 is Sir William Orpen.

A welcome return NF! And what makes my embarrassment even more acute is that the notebook I use for all things WIT, including the chessboard names, has the Orpen self portrait as its cover. I think the expression is 'hiding in plain sight'!

We are now only looking for a3 and 7, b3 and 10, c5, d1, 2 and 8


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A welcome return NF! And what makes my embarrassment even more acute is that the notebook I use for all things WIT, including the chessboard names, has the Orpen self portrait as its cover. I think the expression is 'hiding in plain sight'!

We are now only looking for a3 and 7, b3 and 10, c5, d1, 2 and 8


d8 is driving me crazy, as I`m sure I know this face, but just can`t place him. I have a feeling he may be a V.C. winner, but I`m not sure. I do know a couple more, but I`ll have to wait and see if anyone else identifies them today.

In the meantime, may I offer this rather spurious diversion???post-95959-0-68215300-1463217572_thumb.j

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Is D1 Henry Williamson?

D1 is one that I was saving till tomorrow, and I don`t think it`s Henry Williamson, though I can see the remarkable likeness. I may well be wrong, so I am going to double-check and get back to you asap.

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D8 wasn't a VC , but he was waiting for his release papers (signed on underage) before going into action on 1/7/16 kia High Wood, he was all over the papers in 2014.


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D8 wasn't a VC , but he was waiting for his release papers (signed on underage) before going into action on 1/7/16 kia High Wood, he was all over the papers in 2014.


Do you know who he is, to put me out of my misery?

Is D1 Henry Williamson?

Uncle George, I`ve just double-checked, and I`m quite sure that he isn`t Henry Williamson.

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D1 is one that I was saving till tomorrow, and I don`t think it`s Henry Williamson, though I can see the remarkable likeness. I may well be wrong, so I am going to double-check and get back to you asap.


All pointless restrictions imposed on this activity were removed yesterday (by the same idiot who stipulated them in the first place) so no need to wait until tomorrow to enlighten us


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In that case, to put U.G. out of his misery, d1 is Geoffrey Malins, and a7 is Paul Nash.

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