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First three standing left to right - Bernhard von Bülow, Anton Ludwig August von Mackensen, Helmuth J. L. von Moltke



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Sixth and seventh from left, standing: Ludendorff and Falkenhayn.

Far right, standing: Prince Leopold of Bavaria.

First and second from right, sitting: von Tirpitz and von Hindenburg.

Fifth from right, sitting: von Kluck.


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Standing 4 and 5 from left Crown Prince Wilhelm of Prussia, Hermann von Francois,

Sitting next to Hindenberg (r-l) is Count von Haeseler, then Otto von Emmich


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Oh go on then I'm not proud. The chap sitting at the front is Kaiser Wilhelm


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Oh go on then I'm not proud. The chap sitting at the front is Kaiser Wilhelm


First or second?

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First or second?

Definitely my Ronnie Rosenthal/Dele Alli moment!

Edit: I suppose in honour of the Cup Final I should say my, "and Smith must score" moment

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I'm trying not to be pedantic; but the tablets the doctor gave me aren't working.


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By my reckoning that still leaves 5 members of the German high command unidentified. The two sitting on the left of the Kaiser as we are looking at it and the second, third and fourth from the right standing.


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His father's. Issy Smith.

Sorry UG I should have acknowledged your good spot earlier. It is indeed Maurice Smith, son of Issy Smith VC. Yet another of the VC winners to have difficult lives post war, followed by a relatively early death,


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OK David, if you want it finished

The 2 to the left of KW seated are Crown Prince Ruprecht von Bavaria and Duke Albrecht von Württemberg,and r-l standing, (2-3-4) Theobald von Bethmann Hollweg, Hans von Beseler and Karl von Einem

The man on the far right in my book is Josias von Heeringen not as Ron says Prince Leopold of Bavaria, need another opinion please


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The man on the far right in my book is Josias von Heeringen not as Ron says Prince Leopold of Bavaria, need another opinion please


Prince Leopold also had a long white beard, and I don't have a photo of von Heeringen!


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A scientist/chemist with a notable first.

Who is he???post-95959-0-65528200-1463309599_thumb.j

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Sorry Ron,

I have the same named picture as U G

Fair to say I had to make a double check and your spot on with the beard thing.


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No problem John!

As a matter of interest, is there a reliable date for the photo? My guess would be 1914 rather than any later.


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Hi Ron

Mine has the date of 1915, I will check around to see wether there is an official date


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Perhaps a clue or two would be in order for #4941.

Before he had reached 30 years of age, he was a professor /lecturer, following very much in his brother's footsteps.

He was the author of several books, and signed the loyalty oath of German professors to Adolf Hitler and the National Socialist State, which may help with his nationality.

An exceedingly eminent scholar, but his notable first was achieved in battle.

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Haber was my first thought, but his picture on Wiki is nothing like this one.


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Is he Fritz Haber?

Not Haber.

Remember, his notable first was achieved in battle. This distinction he shared with an Englishman. Both survived the war.

On his side, he had a Nixe.

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He is Wilhelm Biltz.https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilhelm_Biltz"His military service is notable for his command of the German A7V tank that took part in first ever tank-versus-tank battle, during the Second Battle of Villers-Bretonneux in April 1918."

Very well played UG. Quite correct. There's an excellent link to the encounter here:


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That's the chap in charge of the American Tank Corps, Samuel D Rockenbach, he left a lot of correspondence about tank warfare.


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