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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Who is This ? ? ?

Stoppage Drill

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Good one Uncle. Fair play John, beat me to it. I came across the Diehards during my search too. Most annoying.

Apologies too. My Siberian was Sgt Strahov not Stravinsky. I'm away from my pc and my damned predictive text on my phone was responsible. Bad workman blaming tools and all that. I'll post a link when I get back.

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Another fine hat. Who's this ? ? ?

Is it James Connolly?
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Is it James Connolly?

No. But not too far away. There is a more martial, more well known, photograph of my chap to be found elsewhere.

(I still can't find your elusive sergeant, btw.)

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Is it Maxwell?

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No. He was a fierce Irish nationalist. He was killed at Messines Ridge.

William Hoey Kearney Redmond?
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William Hoey Kearney Redmond?

Yes, you've got him. Here's a more familiar photograph: it appears on the cover of his biography, 'A Lonely Grave', by Terence Denman. Which biographer makes this assessment:

"His death in battle made more international impact than the death of any other British soldier in the Great War, except for Lord Kitchener."



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Note for purists. This photograph, captioned "Captain William Redmond MP", accompanies an article, published in 1915, about the MP "Willie Redmond ... a member of the House of Commons for more than thirty years". This article clearly concerns William Hoey Kearney Redmond, MP for Wexford Borough from 1883, known as 'Willie Redmond', who was killed at Messines Ridge in 1917.

I have been careful to avoid confusing Willie Redmond with his nephew William Redmond, MP for Tyrone East from 1910, who also served in, but survived, the GW. I have tried not to post a picture of the wrong man. But the two photographs posted above do not seem to show the same chap.

After further poking about it seems that the photograph of "Captain William Redmond" may be incorrectly captioned. I post here a photograph of Willie Redmond's brother (William 's father) John Redmond, who was an MP from 1885 until his death in 1918.

The possibly incorrectly captioned photograph and article are from T.P. O'Connor's 'Great Deeds of the Great War' (1915).



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I too have come across a few mis-captioned pictures. The most outstanding offender was J.H.J.Andriessen with an offering entitled World War 1 in photographs. I shall certainly be giving any more of his books a wide berth.

Regarding your last chap Redmond; I just followed your generous clue. The picture could have been either fellow.

As promised; a link to 5099:


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Just checking are there any outstanding WIT, I think we are up to date, am I correct?


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I think so too. So in that case, who is this?



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Hi David

This pilot is in my database as he is the first Sikh and Indian pilot In the world a certain Sardar Hardit Singh Malik, 1892 - 1985.

After the war he became a leading light in the Indian Civil Service culminating as an Ambassador to France.


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Quite right as always. I was surprised I had not come across this chap before: a quite extraordinary range of achievements.


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a quite extraordinary range of achievements.


Took some time to have a read up about him, as you say a very extraordinary achievements,especially his work after the war, right up until his retirement.


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Hi UG et al

Hospital visits over,so back on the case. After a bit of searching, your man here, I believe is a Fijian named Ratu Sukuna, who at the outbreak of war was studying law at Oxford and was rejected by the British military. He joined the French Foreign Legion, received the C-de-G and Med.Mil. before being wounded. After the war he finished his studies specialising in property law and in 1922 became the Natives Land Commissioner.


new one in my database

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Offered under the umbrella of " Children of famous fathers or mothers";

Who are these three???post-95959-0-12387100-1465758323_thumb.j

They are seen here at the Paris peace convention. The girls have one famous father, the boy has another.

He went on to serve in an advisory role in WW2.

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The boy looks like Randolph Churchill, well-known contrarian and irritant. He was born in 1911, so it could be him at a stretch; but the clue doesn't match.

Evelyn Waugh, after hearing that doctors had removed a benign tumour from him: "A typical triumph of modern science, to find the only part of Randolph that was not malignant and remove it."

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Nice anecdote Uncle George. Not master Churchill though.

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The girls both went on to marry into the military, one married a Guards Brigade Brigadier, and the other married firstly a rear-admiral, and then a noted historian, later created Baron, who was a particular expert on the Nazis. He worked in intelligence in WW2.

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The girls must be Haig's daughters. One of them married Hugh Trevor Roper. I thought the same as Uncle George about the lad. Is he the son of a Brit or a Yank?


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The girls must be Haig's daughters. One of them married Hugh Trevor Roper. I thought the same as Uncle George about the lad. Is he the son of a Brit or a Yank?


Correct David, well deduced. Alexandra and Victoria Haig it is.

Is the boy a Brit or a Yank? Yes he is ☺

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I thought he may be to do with Curzon, who married two American heiresses: but I see that Curzon had no sons.

Despite what you say, I'm still going with Randolph (one-quarter American)!



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I thought he may be to do with Curzon, who married two American heiresses: but I see that Curzon had no sons.

Despite what you say, I'm still going with Randolph (one-quarter American)!

I promise you it`s not Randolph, Uncle.

Another picture, with his father cropped out of course.


A lone survivor, he went on to have two sons himself, both of which served in the military, one being K.I.A.

I think that should be enough to give him away.

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