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Who is This ? ? ?

Stoppage Drill

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16 minutes ago, neverforget said:

Is it Frank Richardson?


Not a Brummie, no.


He and Trenchard had, at different times, the same job.

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12 minutes ago, voltaire60 said:

Sir Philip Game?




My man and Trenchard had the same job, at different times, post GW.


EDIT - I've now looked up Sir Philip Game, and you are very close.

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Both Julian Byng (Viscount Byng of Vimy) and Trenchard were Metropolitan Police Commissioner  so it probably is him. Good shout



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Working on the assumption that JT has it (and I think he is right on the money too), who are these two? It may be necessary to think laterally on this one: I'm told it's possible, but I have enough difficulty thinking in straight lines, or thinking at all for that matter.



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12 hours ago, Fattyowls said:

Working on the assumption that JT has it (and I think he is right on the money too), who are these two? It may be necessary to think laterally on this one: I'm told it's possible, but I have enough difficulty thinking in straight lines, or thinking at all for that matter.




Collar badge - Royal Fusiliers?


Your special interests - Sportsmen's Battalions? 

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1 hour ago, Uncle George said:


Sir Eyre Crowe?


Not he uncle. The clue is that there are no clues in the narrative that accompanies the picture; that is beyond my limited intellectual capacities. The badge identification is probably correct but is missing a proper noun. If you get what that word is the rest should be easy. It may be the result of a wardrobe malfunction and nothing to do with your id.



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Mr Drill must be right.


Sir Eyre Crowe - my little jokette.


Missing proper noun - Welch.


Two Fusiliers 

And have we done with War at last?
Well, we've been lucky devils both,
And there's no need of pledge or oath
To bind our lovely friendship fast,
By firmer stuff
Close bound enough.
By wire and wood and stake we're bound,
By Fricourt and by Festubert,
By whipping rain, by the sun's glare,
By all the misery and loud sound,
By a Spring day,
By Picard clay.
Show me the two so closely bound
As we, by the wet bond of blood,
By friendship blossoming from mud,
By Death: we faced him, and we found
Beauty in Death,
In dead men, breath.


(With apologies to Ron!)


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20 minutes ago, Stoppage Drill said:

Actor James Wilby playing Sassoon in Regeneration ?


The Sassoon bit is correct as UG has also identified, but this is another representation of him. Bonus points for identifying which series it is from, and who the other chap is.


Do not underestimate the power of the force. That's all I'm saying for now.



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7 minutes ago, Fattyowls said:


The Sassoon bit is correct as UG has also identified, but this is another representation of him. Bonus points for identifying which series it is from, and who the other chap is.


Do not underestimate the power of the force. That's all I'm saying for now.




Is it the Tom Clarke play 'Mad Jack', from the TV series 'The Wednesday Play'.


'Two Fusiliers' is of course by the other chap Robert Graves.

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5 hours ago, Uncle George said:

Missing proper noun - Welch.

Er, I think that's an adjective, in context.



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58 minutes ago, Ron Clifton said:

Er, I think that's an adjective, in context.




Good point. I blame the Corpulent Strigiforme's misdirection in post #6242.

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1 hour ago, Ron Clifton said:

Er, I think that's an adjective, in context.



Just now, Uncle George said:


Good point. I blame the Corpulent Strigiforme's misdirection in post #6242.


Thanks for that Ron, grammer isn't my strong suet (or spelling it would appear). I went to a school that prepared one for life down't pit, I blame the system. UG, it's a fair cop, you've got me bang to rights.


As for the Wit? we have correctly identified Sassoon and Graves but not the TV series which they appeared in. The actors are Stevan Rimkus and Jamie Glover if that helps, and I would refer my learned colleagues to the clue in my previous post which should direct you to the series' executive producer.



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   Young Indiana Jones Chronicles.


        But your bonus for 10-   which other famous real-life Fusilier officer appeared as a character in the series???    (Clue- a casualty and a Captain)


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53 minutes ago, voltaire60 said:

   Young Indiana Jones Chronicles.


        But your bonus for 10-   which other famous real-life Fusilier officer appeared as a character in the series???    (Clue- a casualty and a Captain)



Is the right answer. The series grew out of the George Lucas movies and derived from conversations about Indy's back story. The number of real historical figures that he meets is ludicrous and the number of theatres of war that he enters even more so, but it is enjoyable hokum. I have an idea about the answer to the bonus question but I will keep shtum for the time being.



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1 hour ago, voltaire60 said:

   Young Indiana Jones Chronicles.


        But your bonus for 10-   which other famous real-life Fusilier officer appeared as a character in the series???    (Clue- a casualty and a Captain)



I would say that Royal Scots Fusilier, WSC. (With artistic licence as a Captain and casualty. [I didn't see the programme!]).

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36 minutes ago, Uncle George said:


I would say that Royal Scots Fusilier, WSC. (With artistic licence as a Captain and casualty. [I didn't see the programme!]).


UG-Alas, no. Proper casualty -KIA.  And not RSF

 A further clue- among his published writings was a book that, from it's main  title, might be taken as a treatise on the weather in a particular area

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