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Who is This ? ? ?

Stoppage Drill

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He was a Knight of the British Empire

Which as he also appears to be a Sergeant should make him pretty easy to find! Presumably the knighthood came later

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Very sneaky Mr Marsdin, Well up to your normal standard of trickery :thumbsup:

This is Sergeant Alfred Knight VC


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That's the man, David.

I most of his immediate post-war photos he is shown with a huge grin and was often dubbed "the smiling VC". When you read his citation it is difficult to picture the same man.

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That's the man, David.

I most of his immediate post-war photos he is shown with a huge grin and was often dubbed "the smiling VC". When you read his citation it is difficult to picture the same man.

I just have done and see what you mean. A real warrior!

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Another WVCCIT ??? attachicon.gifag.jpg
For most conspicuous bravery, leadership and self-sacrifice when holding a position for over seven hours against vastly superior enemy forces. All this time the enemy were shelling his position heavily, making it very difficult to see. In one attack, when the enemy cavalry charged his flank, he drove them back with heavy losses. In another charge they left fifteen casualties within twenty yards of his trench, one man, who reached the trench, being bayoneted by ??? himself.
When all his men, with the exception of three, had been hit and the trench which he was holding was so full of wounded that it was difficult to move and fire, he ordered those who could walk to move to a trench slightly in the rear, and from his own position maintained a most heroic resistance. When finally surrounded and charged by the enemy, he stepped into the open and continued the fight until he was mortally wounded and fell unconscious. His cheerfulness and courage were a splendid inspiration to his men, and by his leadership and devotion he was enabled to maintain his position, which he had been ordered to hold at all costs.


Just to tidy things up, this is Alexander 'Laffy' Lafone VC whose citation really does say it all


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Just to tidy things up, this is Alexander 'Laffy' Lafone VC whose citation really does say it all


Spot on, David. :thumbsup:

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Well I think we are all clear now so here's the last of my current batch. He's another VC winner



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Hmmm ... Light Infantry VC I bet, but I can't see the collar dogs well enough to tell which regiment. I vaguely recognise the picture, too. Annoying.

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Hmmm ... Light Infantry VC I bet, but I can't see the collar dogs well enough to tell which regiment. I vaguely recognise the picture, too. Annoying.


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Correct Steven, it is 2nd Lt Frederick Youens VC. A 23 year old teacher whose VC action reads like the tale of a beserker in Old Norse right down to meeting his death tunic and shirtless


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Who is this vulpine gentleman?

Radomir Putnik ? Looks Serbian anyway.

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Who is this vulpine gentleman?

Is it Ferdinand the 1st of Bulgaria? I'll try to work out what's so foxy about him if I'm correct.


P.S. There is a bar in Puerto Alegre in Brazil called Vulp if Google Earth is to be believed. You never know, such info might come in handy one day.

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It is indeed Tsar Ferdinand I of Bulgaria. If you check his German Wikipedia page you'll see why foxy (but on the Englih Wiki, you'll have to check the references at the foot of the page.

And while we're on the subject, who is this "vulpine" gent? He gained a great reputation and was highly decorated for personal bravery on the Alpine front, although his international renown peaked in a later disturbance of the peace.


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It is indeed Tsar Ferdinand I of Bulgaria. If you check his German Wikipedia page you'll see why foxy (but on the Englih Wiki, you'll have to check the references at the foot of the page.

But he is in what looks like Austrian uniform. ?

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And while we're on the subject, who is this "vulpine" gent? He gained a great reputation and was highly decorated for personal bravery on the Alpine front, although his international renown peaked in a later disturbance of the peace.

That would be the Desert Fox himself, Rommel.

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That would be the Desert Fox himself, Rommel.

Yes indeedee - at Caporetto he was awarded the Pour le Mérite

But he is in what looks like Austrian uniform. ?

That may well be, I can't tell - but he was Austrian by birth...



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Who would this young man grow up to be?



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Looks like Stan Laurel.

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Nope, you are missing the wood for the trees.....


P.S. Who is your new avatar Mr B?

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P.S. Who is your new avatar Mr B?

'Who do you think you are kidding Mr Hitler...'
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