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Who is This ? ? ?

Stoppage Drill

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More than one colour here.

Who is this???post-95959-0-21406000-1422269659_thumb.j

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Apologies for the confusion. It was the Military Cross and bar for my man. His bar was finally won in the closing weeks of the war, during an attack on Ledeghem in 1918.

"??? who also he received his division’s card of honour four times during his career – again carried the red flag. He and his party moved so far ahead of the main advance they captured 28 Germans and held out under heavy trench mortar and machine-gun fire until the remainder of the brigade arrived. He attracted heavy fire throughout the action and was eventually severely wounded; his right leg was amputated."

He was talked of as a traitor and a spy, and a bullet was placed in his mother’s letter-box.
Thanks for pointing out my error, I`ll go back and change the previous post.

I've spent much too much time looking at this (to my wife's great annoyance), but I've found him:

Walter Schwarz (= black) aka Lieutenant Walter Lancelot Merritt.

He deserted from from the AIF fearing his German roots would disqualify him from fighting and subsequently joined Royal Fuseliers under the assumed name.

The secret he took to his grave was how he had managed to maintain the deception for so long.

Fascinating! There's a book about him by Ken Anderson which I may well purchase - this forum is costing me a fortune in books on topics I'd never considered previously!



Edit - it took me so long to write this with many interruptions that I posted too late - baaah

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Unlucky, Colin. Pipped by the Uncle. You`re not on your own there.

However, you still have a chance with my "walking wounded" as it is not Lance Corporal J Rainbow.

An incorrect attempt deserves a clue in my book, so I will narrow it down by conceding that he is a V.C. recipient.

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U.G. Is your chap Captain Blackadder by any chance? Just a hunch.

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Blimey, that was a lucky guess. Might go out and buy a lottery ticket now.

Loving your suggestions for my fellow. It`s amazing how many odd characters this thread throws up. Rainbow is a corker!

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Hi UG, it's RAMC man, John Leslie Green.

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Hi UG, it's RAMC man, John Leslie Green.

You've got him Steve. His VC citation;

"For most conspicuous devotion to duty. Although himself wounded, he went to the assistance of an officer who had been wounded and was hung up on the enemy's wire entanglements, and succeeded in dragging him to a shell hole, where he dressed his wounds, notwithstanding that bombs and rifle grenades were thrown at him the whole time. Captain Green then endeavoured to bring the wounded officer into safe cover, and had nearly succeeded in doing so when he himself was killed."

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It looks like a Green Howards cap-badge ?

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Don't ask me about cap badges as I know nowt about 'em - and in any case, with my eyesight nowadays any detail in the photos is usually way beyond me....

It was also really not meant as a serious suggestion!

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Not Green Howards, gents. Irish.

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A more well known colourful figure with a chest full of gongs. Doesn`t appear to have been on yet so,

Who is this???post-95959-0-12502000-1422296990_thumb.j

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Salmond ?

Not him. (or any other shade of pink)

EDIT: Paternal figure.

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Not Salmond but his predecessor, Trenchard?

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"Hue" Trenchard it is, Gareth.

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Wild guess again, U.G. Is it John Crommelin-Brown?

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Going with the flow, who is this???post-95959-0-50042100-1422307050_thumb.j

DSO, DSC & Bar, DFC, as well as the Croix de Guerre and the Belgian Order of the Crown.

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No NF. My man emphatically did NOT serve during the GW.

Conchie, eh?

EDIT: I`ve found one called Albert Green?

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