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Who is This ? ? ?

Stoppage Drill

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perfect ! so any takers on the parentage ?

King Leopold II ? Empress Charlotte of Mexico ?


Van der Smissen, it would seem. A photo of him below, and one of Weygand:



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Gender was the false assumption I think. It looks like Maria Bochkareva, from the battalion of death.

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Gender was the false assumption I think. It looks like Maria Bochkareva, from the battalion of death.

That crossed my mind too, but I thought it didn't look much like her and a bit too masculine, but you may well be right..

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as my previous entry went quickly

who is this then ?

his father played a major part .......


Is this Foch's son?


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Gender was the false assumption I think. It looks like Maria Bochkareva, from the battalion of death.

Yes indeed. Here she is with Emmeline Pankhurst:


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David has him, it is Ferdinand's only son, Germain Foch, killed on the same day as (at the time) his only son-in-law Paul Bécourt


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How about another German who looks as though he'd make a good grandfather.

He was generalified after fighting around Tirlemont after the fall of Liège, found favour with his defensive organisation on the Somme and went on to command an army.


By the way, I would very much like to post German WITs who are not in the upper echelons of the armies, types like Ernst Junger and his ilk, but there is practically no information on the lower ranks who did the actual fighting (the only real exception being flying aces). Many archives were, of course destroyed in WW2, which may be an explanation, but even when I know the name of, say, a man who was awarded the Iron Cross 1st class (EK1) and try to research his biography, it is usually not possible to get beyond "was conscripted into the infantry/served in WW1 and was awarded the EK1". So I'm afraid we'll have to stick to lesser-known strategists rather than colourful characters.

I will, however take a look for some submariners, who were huge heroes at the time, but have not really been of great interest to me so far.



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How about another German who looks as though he'd make a good grandfather.

He was generalified after fighting around Tirlemont after the fall of Liège, found favour with his defensive organisation on the Somme and went on to command an army.


Might it be Ewald von Massow?

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Might it be Ewald von Massow?

'fraid not, Uncle. Massow was a bit junior to my man, only making Lt. Col. (Oberstleutnant) in December '14 (and going on to be Kaiser Bill's batman adjutant).

The good impression he made on the Somme got him his Blue Max (Polo Mereet). In November '18 my man and his merry band of men were in the Hermannstellung.



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'fraid not, Uncle. Massow was a bit junior to my man, only making Lt. Col. (Oberstleutnant) in December '14 (and going on to be Kaiser Bill's batman adjutant).

The good impression he made on the Somme got him his Blue Max (Polo Mereet). In November '18 my man and his merry band of men were in the Hermannstellung.




Daniel will know this, the link would suggest (if I or someone else don't get there first!)

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Translation from the German Wikipedia:

The Hermannstellung was a defensive line of the German troops on the Western Front during WW1. In early September 1918 doubts about the stability of the Siegfriedstellung (Hindenburg Line) were increasing and so it was decided to start construction of a rearward defensive line, the so-called Hermannstellung. This defensive line on the Western front started on the coast north of Ghent, followed near Eeklo along the rivers Leie and Schelde and joined up with the Hundingstellung near Marle.


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It does say "on the coast" north of Ghent, but the coastal strip actually belongs to the Netherlands (Zeelandic-Flanders), so in fact it started on the border a couple of miles inland.

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How about another German who looks as though he'd make a good grandfather.

He was generalified after fighting around Tirlemont after the fall of Liège, found favour with his defensive organisation on the Somme and went on to command an army.


By the way, I would very much like to post German WITs who are not in the upper echelons of the armies, types like Ernst Junger and his ilk, but there is practically no information on the lower ranks who did the actual fighting (the only real exception being flying aces). Many archives were, of course destroyed in WW2, which may be an explanation, but even when I know the name of, say, a man who was awarded the Iron Cross 1st class (EK1) and try to research his biography, it is usually not possible to get beyond "was conscripted into the infantry/served in WW1 and was awarded the EK1". So I'm afraid we'll have to stick to lesser-known strategists rather than colourful characters.

I will, however take a look for some submariners, who were huge heroes at the time, but have not really been of great interest to me so far.



General Hans von Beseler


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Just time before I go to work to add this gentleman to the fray.

A tenuous canine clue is all you are getting for now, as this was one of his main concerns.

Awarded the M.C. in 1916.

Who is it???post-95959-0-86383400-1424622257_thumb.j

If no-one recognises him I`ll let a little more of the dog out of the bag when I get to work.

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Gabriel Albert Morgan


No sir. My chap`s an author (amongst other things) who broke the rules, and got slated for it.

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General Hans von Beseler


Sorry, not him either....

in September 1917 he was appointed commander-in-chief of an army, when his predecessor, who had been appointed about 5 months earlier, was sent to the Italian front...

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Sorry, not him either....

in September 1917 he was appointed commander-in-chief of an army, when his predecessor, who had been appointed about 5 months earlier, was sent to the Italian front...

He is Ferdinand von Quast.

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No sir. My chap`s an author (amongst other things) who broke the rules, and got slated for it.

Edwin Richardson?

He is Ferdinand von Quast.

Yes, Uncle, you've sussed him!



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Indeed, I know a little about the Hermannstellung...very little! It's on my list of things to fail to find English written accounts of.



There seems to be next to nothing on it, even in German!

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Edwin Richardson?

Not him either I'm afraid. Attached to a medical unit.

Prominent scientist.

Another first to. ...

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Long silence, so I`ll try to help further.

He went on to hold a high profile position post WW1. Held a unique status, created especially for him.

He then got involved in a real struggle for survival and ended up being replaced by a true "Brain of Britain".

You know, I`m really going to beat myself up now for being so lavish with my clues.

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