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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Alan Thomas 6/RWK

Jonathan Saunders

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I have just finished the excellent WW1 autobiographical A LIFE APART by Alan Thomas. I looked on the www for further information on his post-war career as an author but could not find anything and wondered if any PALS can shed any light on his career or life following the war.

Many thanks in advance.

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I can't answer your question Jon, but is there much info on the 37th Bde at Loos in 1915 ?


Sorry Mick but Thomas didnt join the Bttn until after the Somme had commenced.

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Cheers Jon, how about Cambrai in '17 (I can feel a request for a lend coming on !)


He covers Cambrai - he had been, much to his displeasure, been attached to Staff for this battle. It would appear he was very fond of another officer who took command of his company for this battle and was killed in action - so he covers it from the 6/RWK angle.

I was going to mention lending this to you anyway ... just trying to decide an appropriate fee :P

ps re your Inky-Bill book, the previous owner of my Thomas book I understand to be a DSO and MC.

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I have just re-read the part concerning the Cambrai battle. Thomas gives an account of the period prior to moving up to Cambrai (well they moved to Peronne to be exact) but only comments that the Bttn (which he was not with for this battle) suffered heavy losses on 20 Nov.

He also mentions that wooden tanks had been placed on the extreme right of the line to decept the Germans into thinking the frontage for attack was much longer than it actually was.

Its an interesting read if you want to borrow it.


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Yes please Jon. That's interesting about the wooden tanks.

By the way, I got that pair you told me about


I dont remember hearing about the wooden tanks before either - so an interesting snipet.

Well done for bagging that par - I've also had a couple of interesting purchases since we last met ... maybe a beer in the near future - actually whats happening on the 6th? Are we still on?

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