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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Movement Between Units

Guest colinh

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Hi all

I take it that a soilder moves between unit during the war is due to the fact that a unit has either been reduced in numbers or maybe to increase others when at the front or in support.

The reason I`m asking is that W Coulson moved from the Suffolk regiment to the Lincolnshire regiment then the Royal Engineers then again the Royal Engineers.

Also would they not have amended the MC to show he had died during on the 2/10/1918 as my other relation had been.

I know its alot to ask but I have always had a slight interest in WWI but because my g/grandads fought and died I am becoming for focused on what they them selfs achieved.



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no its nothing to do with the information that you sent, I got the pdf file, its just the reasoning off why he moved from one unit to another during the conflict.



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Hi Colin

Soldiers were usualy moved for 2 possible reasons; operational or personal. Operational could have been as you said (making up numbers, disbanded Batalions etc). Personal reasons; the fave is being wounded, convalescing in hossy away from his unit and being posted to the 'nearest, most relevant Battalion' when OK again. eg; my guy (see signature) was wounded in 5th beds in Gallipoli, he couldnt be 'fixed' there so was shipped back to UK and when healthy again was sent to the 7th Beds in France as it was nearer and more apropriate than sending him all the way back to Egypt.

Not familiar with the working of the RE's yet, so cannot offer a reasonable suggestion there Im afraid.

Can you tell me what Battalions he was in pse mate; may help narrow the options down a little, as Suffolks were likely in one of the Anglian Divisions? If they were in Gallipoli (as the Beds were) and he picked up a wound there, by the time he was OK for active duty again, the Allied Divisions were almost all in France by Sping / Summer 1916, so they wouldnt have sent him back there anyway.


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Hi Steve

thanks for the reply, very useful. He was posted, as shown on his medal cards, Suffolk, Lincolnshire regiments the RE and agian RE.

Died 18/8/1918.



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One reason why he might have gone from the Lincs to the Royal Engineers is that he was medically downgraded through wounds or sickness.

My Gt Grandfather was transferred from the Northumberland Fusiliers to the Labour Corps after he was considered not fit for front line service after being gassed.

Was your man in a front line engineer unit or unit that worked in the rear.

I'm not very familiar with the duties of the Royal Engineers but I get the impression that some of their tasks were very similar to the tasks of the Labour Corps.

Do you have the date when he transferred to the Royal Engineers?


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