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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

The Three Emperors


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Have just found in a charity shop a virtually mint hardback copy of this tome, written by Miranda Carter and published in 2009 at £25.00. It is a biog. of the three heads of state of Russia, England and Germany, and their part in the build up to the Great War. First impression is of a well written and researched book of 584 pages. Can only find one review on the GWF, this at the time of publication.

Have any other members read this, or have I squandered my 99p donation!


Edited by MikeyH
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I have a pb copy, purchased on the strength of the author's appearance in a rather good BBC documentary, but I've yet to read it.

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I read it when it came out, and although I can't recall much about it in detail, I remember that I found it very good.

I'd say that it's worth your donation, at least!

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Definitely worth the donation. Like Steven I bought it on the strength of the documentary made to support it, and it is very good.

I particularly liked the section on the Kaiser after the war. His complete lack of remorse and constant self-justification is quite astonishing.


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