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Just offered a publishing deal on my WWI trilogy. Looking for another


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I've been popping in an out of here for over a year as I write away. Two days ago, I finally heard back from my editor, who is offering a contract for my trilogy. The first is complete - the following two are in process.

My first book in the series has been beta'ed by an Englishwoman, to assure as a Yank that I'm getting the grammar right. I've also consulted with a doctor and a few nurses regarding medical issues. What I could use is an expert pair of eyes to make sure I don't make egregious errors regarding details about the war. I am an ex history teacher and have studied the war. I've made great efforts to tell it as it was, so don't worry that I'll be doing anything too ridiculous, like having the lads chat with one another via cell phone. Still, an extra pair of eyes would be wonderful. I'd just need you to read it and tell me if anything is too jarring.

What would you be getting into? The trilogy is about three siblings from West Sussex. One deals with life back home and German POWs, another tale is about balloonatics and journalists at the front. But the finished story, the one that will be published in May, is about the eldest son who suffers a head injury on the first day of the Battle of the Somme and centers around his experience at a base hospital and his ethereal visions of (or perhaps visits to) the trenches whenever he endures a seizure. The book also touches on some of the medical issues of the time, such as introducing blood typing.

Oh, and because a vague disclaimer is nobody's friend - though it is not strictly a 'romance' according to my editor, you should know that it has heavy romantic elements.

Thanks to all on here for helping answer my various questions. If you're interested in giving ANGEL OF THE SOMME a pre-read, please let me know by emailing thepuddinhead*at*gmail*dot*com or you can respond below - whatever floats your boat.

Thanks and cheers.

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As a swift initial comment, and as an unpublished novelist - still trying and bar - I must confess that the title worries the hell out out of me.

I forgot to add, sincere congratulations on the contract.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Haha, no worries. My editor likes the title as the trilogy plays on "angel/devil/human" in the series. I'm curious why the title bugs you though? Seems like a religious book?

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Title jars a little with me. Doesnt appear to particularly relate to the story youre telling. If it was about a nurse, I could understand it.

But congratulations on the offer. It's hard enough to get Great War non-fiction published but the fiction market is very crowded, I understand.

As a possibly irrelevent question, is it being published for the American or British market? And, if the latter, is your editor checking for spelling in UK English - I note in your OP, you use "centers" rather than "centres".

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It'll be international. I had a Brit beta who corrected some things (such as "touch wood" over "knock on wood"). But my editor (and the line editors) will make all the decisions about colour/color and all of that. After angsting over spelling, I can't help but laugh that I don't really have all that much to say about it in the end. :)

Thanks for your good wishes and I wish you the best in your publishing future as well.

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Congratulations, Puddinhead! As John said, the fiction market is very crowded, so well done.

My first reaction to your proposed title, Angel of the Somme, was that there are several novels by Christopher Nicole with "Angel" as the first word of the title: Angel of Destruction, Angel of Darkness, Angel of Doom, Angel Rising, Angel of Vengeance. Some of these have a WWII setting and feature the improbable adventures of a glamorous female spy. And some people might conflate "Angel of the Somme" with the Angels of Mons.

see here

By the way, I was intrigued by your reference to having a "beta". I haven't come across this Americanism before, and am guessing that it doesn't mean a copy-editor as such, but someone who has a second look at your copy (something I always urge any author to have). I did Google, and got this: "A beta is a male who, instead of being alpha and manning up, completely bitches out. Can apply to many situations, but often refers to scenarios with women". Somehow I don't think this is the correct definition!


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Thanks @ Moonraker. I had no idea there were that many angels about the war! The Angel of Mons - I wish I would have known about it before I started my tale, but that's the way it always seems to go. Since my tale involves a human with a head injury and not a supernatural being, I think I'm safe. But it was fascinating to read about all the angelic connections.

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