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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

The First World War, 1914 - 1918 Repington


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I had the idea, since this is the Centenary, of trying to read as much as possible about each phase of the war. Was about to start "Retreat and Rearguard" as suggested by a Forum member, when I became sidetracked by the Repington book, which I had downloaded for free to my new handy dandy Kindle. Have only read a few pages, but it seems to me that we would have won the war almost before it got started if only the Politicians and the Military had read his articles in "TheTimes". In reading about the war, I have come across references to this man, but always he has seemed like some nefarious mischief making background figure, whose position or importance was never really explained. However, somewhere or other I think I have come across mention of someone of this name in the army on the Western Front.

My question therefore is this. Is this guy for real? I assume that his claims about accurately predicting such things as the position and strength of the German Army must be true, since one could check their veracity had one the inclination to do so. Was he of some importance, and did he have the contacts to receive the information he claims? Since he fell out with Kitchener over one of his articles, I guess that source dried up pretty quickly.

Anyway, the very first few pages have turned me off, and I am now wondering whether to continue. Does anyone know anything about either the book or the man? Can't recall any mention of him on the Forum.



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Thanks Mike. Will try in the morning as I didn't find anything of any consequences.


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Quite a bit on previously Hazel (hope link works) Click

Nope, there's a bug, it used to work and I could post a large list of threads? Anyway, just input repington in Advanced Search


Have decided to finish it after all while bearing in mind the caveats expressed in the links.

Thanks Mike. You can usually be depended on to have a link to get the goods on just about anything! So if I post something before I go to bed, the answer is there in the morning.

Hazel C.

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Quite a bit on previously Hazel (hope link works) Click

Nope, there's a bug, it used to work and I could post a large list of threads? Anyway, just input repington in Advanced Search


Mike, thank you so much for posting the link and keeping me on the straight and narrow. That book has a huge amount of background information told in such a manner that I can't imagine finding it elsewhere. Quite a lot of interesting gossip that really highlights the various (good and bad) influences in war. Repington sounds like quite a "ladies man" and the society women of the time seemed remarkably well informed. Still not half way through it but certainly enjoying the contrast in writing style as well as all devious machinations going on in the background.


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