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The Battle of Bellewaarde, June 1915


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Just bought the (currently) last copy on Amazon.


PS Greetings to my Pals, Messers Hastings and Fattyowls - interesting reading and viewing as always gentlemen

Reciprocated matey; but shouldn't you be resizing photgraphs yourself? No pressure.

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Reciprocated matey; but shouldn't you be resizing photgraphs yourself? No pressure.

Waiting for either of my daughters to come home to help/patronise me.

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Again your photos do it Pete, thank you so much. Did you take these on your recent trip there with Chris and Martin? Think I must have got one of the last Amazon ones too David (did try to hint at it being an imminent birthday present but my good lady has finally put her foot down - my WW1 books are 'double-parked' on six shelves, having pushed all my 'other' history books to the spare room upstairs- and she has refused to buy me any more books as presents, so bought it myself, and will hide in drinks cabinet)

Glad you are both well.

PS David, I still cannot fathom how to load pictures onto this site properly, my fault alone, I was the school kid who walked past the fledgling IT club in the 1980s and said to myself 'it'll never catch on' ... doh!!

All the best fellahs


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Again your photos do it Pete, thank you so much. Did you take these on your recent trip there with Chris and Martin?

Jim, I sure did. We were making a documentary* about Martin's project (available soon) but we had a moment just to be transfixed by the views across the northern part of the salient. Even Chris who knows a just a bit about Ypres (hand, like, back, knows, his: make a well known phrase using these words) was struck by the view. Although I knew the area from maps and books there is no way I could have grasped the significance of Railway Wood without standing there. Chris has just done my grandfather's service and I can now picture him in the autumn of 1917 with his horses pulling the guns and ammunition across that landscape on the way up towards Passchendaele and Poelcappelle.


*I was the boom boy for the day. It was really good fun.

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What a cracking experience Pete, both in location and company. I'm currently digging into some more info on Bobby Thornton for Martin - he was the first man in the village to be killed (surprisingly since this was a 5th Royal Sussex recruiting area and so many of them were lost with the 2nd Bn lads at Aubers Ridge on 9th May) and the whole village seemed to grind to a halt in mourning - summer events were cancelled at the school and within the community it seems. At the loss of his son his father and mother absorbed themselves in local matters and charity work.

As said before, so need to get my boots on the ground ...

Nice one Pete

Cheers Jim

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I too need to do this and so many other battlefields on foot. Incidentally the spot where I took the photographs was where one soldier fell and the burial location was communicated to his family by a German officer. I know the story because Martin told it to camera immediately afterwards. I was too busy trying to keep the sound boom steady in the breeze and keep the shadow of the mike off Mr Clift otherwise I'd remember his name. I'm sure whoever gets the book in the post first will be able to enlighten us. I'm sure it's on Bellewaarde1915.com but I always get sidetracked with other stories when I go looking for things on Martin's well good site.


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There is a three day trip to Bellewaarde next year for the unveiling. There is also a battlefield tour thrown in.

If you want to know more, please let me know?



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