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Samuel John Huggins & John Alfred Huggins


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One of my family history research interests is our Huggins line, originating from Glenarb, a townland near the town of Caledon, Co Tyrone, Ireland.

Our gr-gr-uncle, Samuel John Huggins [1864-1922], enlisted with the CEF at Hamilton (Ontario, Canada) on 21 Sept 1914, joining the 4th Battalion/1st Brigade with the rank of Major. However, the unit assignment at the top of the "Officer's Declaration Paper" indicates that he was assigned to the 120th Battalion.

I'll be sending away for Samuel John Huggins' (known to the family as "John") service record shortly, and hopefully that will sort out which was his Battalion during the Great War. According to the death notice for John, in the 14 June 1922 issue of the Toronto Daily Star, he attained the rank of Lieut.-Colonel.

According to his Attestation Papers, John's eldest son, John Alfred Huggins (b. 28 Jan 1896), enlisted with the CEF at Rickliffe (?) Camp on 4 Aug 1915. On enlistment, John's occupation was given as "civil servant", and the Canadian National Archives web site, "ArchiviaNet", indicates that he attained the rank of Lieutenant. I'll be sending away for this young man's service record, too.

Thought I'd post this research interest, on the offchance that another Huggins descendant visits this forum one day and, hopefully, recognizes one of these individuals.


Alison Causton

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Alison, I looked at John Alfred's attestation.

He joined the 77th, which makes it Rockcliffe Camp in Ottawa.

77th (Ottawa) Btn, Lt-Col D.R. Street, sailed June 19, 1916 with 38 officers and 1007 ORs, mobilized at Ottawa; absorbed by the 47th (Westminster) and 73rd (Royal Highlanders).

It will be interesting to see which battalion he wound up with.

Peter in Vancouver

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Alison - the name Huggins is relatively rare in NI. I know that Huggins with WW1 connections were in the Ballycastle, Co. Antrim area at that time.

Also, there is a Bob Huggins (from Ballycastle/North Antrim) working, as far as I know, with Downtown Radio, a commercial local Radio Station in the province.

Far out connection?


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Peter: Yes, I'll have to report back once the service record arrives. Any idea how long this usually takes (i.e., ordering from the National Archives)?

Desmond: Researching the Huggins surname in Northern Ireland, and also into Counties Cavan and Monaghan, has been relatively easy because it (the surname) occurs so infrequently. I think the Huggins-es in Counties Cavan, Monaghan and Tyrone were very likely descended from a common branch, but how to prove ... ah, that's the question. I'm aware of the one or two families that occurred in County Antrim (often with "Huggan" in lieu of "Huggins"), and it seems to me that I've seen a grave marker inscription online for that WWI fella, of the Irish Horse, if I recall correctly. Oh yes, here it is: http://vaugh.co.uk/documents/nih_dead_ww1.htm ... Alfred Huggins of Port Longfield, Co Antrim. Would be interested if this man "belongs to" Bob.

If our lines are related, it might be from one Antonii Huggins from the early 17th century in Co Donegal, but again, how can we tell ;-). Sounds like Irish research, yes? :rolleyes:

Still, d'you think Bob will appreciate the value of being, potentially, a *far out* relation?!! Hehe.

Seriously, though, I've researched the County Tyrone lot in depth, and if he knows his Huggins lot back to the 18th century, then we could compare notes. Our bunch dispersed from Co Tyrone (or married into other local families, i.e. Marshall, Girvin, Kennedy, etc.) by the late 19th century, some to England, Canada, County Wicklow, and one spinster aunt to Belfast ... and I've wondered if the current Huggins residents in & around Belfast might, just might, be related.

Bringing this wandering train of thought back on-topic, our branch of the Huggins from Caledon did have a strong military tradition, beginning with John Joseph Huggins [1816-1876], who enlisted with the 45th Regiment of Foot in 1834, and served abroad at St Helena and at Fort Henry at Kingston (Canada).

For now,

Alison Causton

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