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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Died At Gallipoli

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Hi all

after getting help for the RWF museum they forwarded to me part of the war diary where my relation died of his wounds. There are 2 question I would like to ask,

1. He enlisted on 5/11/1914 and died 8/8/1915, he moved from Rushden 4/7/1915 to Devenport for Alexandria. I take it this was his first movement to the war theatre?

2. He is recorded as dying from his wounds on 8/8/1915 but reading the war diary, on the 8th they left Mudros called at Imbros and reaching Suvla Bay at 8.30pm. 9th disembarkation of Bn on "C" beach - 2 casulties. 10.00am moved on a mile to W side of LALA BABA HILL. Did he die on the 8th or could he have been one of the 2 casulties who died on the 9th?



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Unless someone else offers before I get home from work, when I get home tonight I will look on Soliders Died CD for deaths to 7/RWF for those two days and see if this can give any indication.

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Hi Colin

Devonport was the exit port for many bound for Gallipoli, but he'd have had training before departure (of course!).

They could have been shelled on Suvla beach on the 8th as the front lines werent that far developed by then, but could have also been from the landing itself. Ive seen accounts of men drowning etc whilst bathing and 'playing' in Galipoli, so finding a book on the Regmnt may shed a little more light? (eg. one of the 5th Beds Cpt's wrote about the campaign in the 30's I believe and included many accounts that you wouldnt otherwise see).

Lala Baba was about the closest they got to a 'Rest Area' around Suvla, near the Salt Lake, although it was never out of the Turkish artillery range.

Have you seen Westlakes BRIG? It sometimes has additional bits in it not from the Diaries, so may be wirth a gander? If no one else can, Ill have a nose when I get home, but thatll be Friday now Im afraid.


Steve :D

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The few war diary pages I have read (admittedly Canadian units) gave casualties for the 24 hours up to midday. If this was a common convention then the casualties recorded for the 9th could have been incurred pm on the 8th or am on the 9th.


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I dont think Soldiers Died will help. For period 7 to 9 Aug 1915 there is one fatality listed. CSM Alfred Rowley ... I would expect a regular or Reservist. Also died of wounds rather than killed in action although he could have died same day.

There are nearly 50 men listed for 10 Aug. What name are you searching?

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Hi Signals

well you hit it on the nail there CSM Alfred Albert Rowley 5886 is my G/grandad and is the one I am looking for information for. Hope you can expand on what you have giving



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Hi Signals

well you hit it on the nail there CSM Alfred Albert Rowley 5886 is my G/grandad and is the one I am looking for information for. Hope you can expand on what you have giving



OK I will look on SDGW again tonight unless someone with ready access provides details before hand.

I was thrown by you stating he had enlisted 5/11/1914 and died 8/8/1915 as I thought "cant be a CSM" - was he a Reservist with prior service?

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