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Major Foljambe and Captain Cathcart of 2nd Bn.K.R.R.C.

Old Owl

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Remembering today Major Hubert Francis Fitzwilliam Brabazon Foljambe and Captain Augustus Ernest Cathcart of the 2nd Bn The King's Royal Rifle Corps. Comrades in arms and in death, they both fell on 14th September, 1914, in the struggle for the heights above the village of Troyon.

Major Foljambe was a son of the Right Hon.F.J.S.Foljambe and Lady Gertrude Foljambe, daughter of the third Earl of Gosford, of Osberton Hall, Notts. In 1909 he married Gladys, the eldest daughter of General and Mrs Bewicke-Copley of Sprotborough Hall, near Doncaster, and left a son, John Savile, born in October,1911.

The following appreciation appeared in the KRRC Chronicle:

"Tom Foljambe, as he was always known amongst his many friends, was born in 1872, and after passing through Eton joined the 2nd Bn at Malta in 1894, and exchanged into the 3rd Battalion a few years later. He saw service in South Africa, and was promoted Major in 1912, and joined the 2nd Battalion. The outbreak of the present war found him with this Battalion, and he was killed in action on September 14th during a gallant charge at the Aisne. His body was found riddled with bullets. He married in November,1909, Gladys, daughter of Brig.General R.C.A.B.Bewicke-Copley, C.B., of Sprotborough Hall, Doncaster. A better man never wore a Rifleman's jacket."

He is Commemorated on the La Ferte-sous-Jouarre Memorial, France. Age 42.

Captain Cathcart was the younger son of Colonel The Hon. Augustus Murray Cathcart and Jean Mary Cathcart(nee Orde-Powlett of Wensley), of Mowbray House, Kirby Malzeard, North Yorkshire. In 1913 he married Hilda Renee, daughter of Mr W.F.Lee, and left a daughter, Eva Renee, born in March,1914.

The following appreciation appeared in the KRRC Chronicle:

"Augustus Ernest Cathcart was born in March,1875, educated at Eton, and joined the regiment from the Militia in 1897, obtaining his company in 1902. During the South African War he acted as a Special Service Officer, and also served with the Mounted Infantry, taking part in the operations in the Transvaal and Orange River Colony.

"He spent the last 14 years of his service in the 2nd Battalion, where his keen sense of humour and inimical pencil were a never ceasing joy to the Mess. A very gallant Rifleman, cool to a rare degree, he exposed himself on September 14th in a manner, invaluable as an example at a very critical time, but that could only have one ending.

"Those who saw him that day will ever bear his picture in mind; a splendid example and a great loss to his comrades and the Regiment he leaves behind."

He is buried in Paissy Churchyard, France. Age 39.

N.B. In a group photo of the Battalion officers, taken just prior to the war, Hubert Foljambe and Augustus Cathcart are shown seated side by side.

RIP :poppy::poppy:

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Remembering all who were involved in the fighting above the Aisne river on this day in 1914



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Remembering all of both sides who fought on this day :poppy:

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N.B. In a group photo of the Battalion officers, taken just prior to the war, Hubert Foljambe and Augustus Cathcart are shown seated side by side.

RIP :poppy::poppy:

Remembering them ...

Foljambe on left, Cathcart on the right



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