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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Which Regiment?

Guest ejpeacock

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Guest ejpeacock

I am trying to trace my Grandfather's war records from World War One. I have tried to find him on the medal index cards but don't know which regiment he joined.

My question is about joining of certain regiments. Would someone that is based in London join for example the Liverpool Regiment? Were there Regiments that they would more likely join if someone was from London or any area of the country?

Thanks very much,


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Need more info Eileen ... any pictures of him in uniform? Any other papers which might have abbreviations etc that could help.

Many men from the London area served with regiments whose traditional recruiting areas were far from the sound of bow bells. And then there are are the London Irish, London Scottish etc to consider.


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Guest ejpeacock

HI Des

Unfortunately I don't have any information at all about his service. The only thing I have to go on is a birth certicate of his daughter in 1922 which states his occupation as Army Disability Pensioner. I tried to find a record of his pension in PIN26 at the Records Office, I also looked in the Burnt files section and Officer Records section in the hope that I could narrow it down somewhat. All unfortunately leading to dead ends. My last resort was trying to narrow the Medal Card Index down by possibly not including certain regiments.

I am not sure if there is another way of using the information that he had a pension at all?

Thanks for your help.



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Eileen - not sure if you can backtrack from a name and the fact that he had a disability pension, but at least you are in the right place to find out!

Also - a long-shot - but always worth a try. Local studies libraries will have the old files of newspapers which very often contained details of men who had been wounded etc.

Did 'your man' live in a part of London serviced by a smallish weekly paper. Did such things exist in the London district? If so it might be your next most profitable port of call ... it will require a lot of microfiche time.

It may be worthwhile to seek the help of a professional researcher who knows the highways and byways of this type of thing inside out.

I wish you luck. Sorry I couldn't help further with your quest.


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