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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

1st Batt Kings Own (Royal Lancaster) Rgt


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On March 4th 1915, my grandfather Sgt Henry Houghton (6702) Kings Own (Royal Lancaster) Rgt was killed, apparently by a sniper at "Railway Barricade" Whilst I have some info from 4th Div records for that time, I cannot track down any Kings Own records. I have info for Feb and March 1915 for the Battalion / Regiment but none for March, it's like March didn't exist.

I have Cowpers books and apart from one brief mention of Railway Barricade there is absolutly no reference to any action there. I have some of Henrys pre-war service history but none for his war service.

Can anyone please help ?

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All that Ray Westlake's 'British Battalions on the Western Front Jan - June 1915' adds is that the 1st Bn were "carrying out tours in Le Touquet sector trenches" and resting at Le Bizet when out of the line.

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