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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

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A new book on the market - war letters and war diary notes written by Albrecht Baron Knigge, enriched with about 100 photographies being taken by the Baron himself.

Knigge, a young 2nd Lt from the "Magdeburgisches Husaren Regiment Nr. 10", served as a divisional observer and reconaisseur in the "7. Infanterie Division" of the "Armee Oberkommando 4" at the Ypres salient front. In his Observation Posts - church spires etc. he was a prominent artillery target for the Allies who also often tried to shoot ant to snipe him in the run of his recce operations. Knigge became severely wounded during the Battle of Kemmel at "The Bluff" next to the Ypres-Comines-canal when he was launching a storm assault against British troops, capturing British M.G. posts.

Knigge was a noble man, always respecting the foe, taking care of wounded enemies and POW but fighting the enemy without any hesitation.

Besides the military aspects the book enables a deep view into the monarchistic German community, the way of thinking and acting behind the front. Knigge was invited for breakfast by General von Kraewel (commander of Armee Oberkommando 4). He spent an evening with the Red Baron von Richthofen with whom he was acquainted, and thanks to his divisional Affiliation as well, as his observer status he had much more liberty and literally a better overview than most of the regimental or company officers who were strictly banned to their trench sectors.

This book reflects an uninterrupted view onto the career of a young pupil who went to war, comprising his basic military education, the officers training, acting and fighting at the front, the catching of a packet at the Bluff, the return to the front and finally the ordered retreat on horseback.

Footnotes and a comment being written by the publisher help the Reader to understand superior military backgrounds, weapon technology and sociological-cultural aspects of the German side.

Read and enjoy - provided that you master the German language.

The link to the publishing house: https://www.verlag-koester.de/index.php?id=114&tx_fbmagento[shop][route]=catalog&tx_fbmagento[shop][controller]=product&tx_fbmagento[shop][action]=view&tx_fbmagento[shop][id]=1189&tx_fbmagento[shop]=als-husar-im-1-weltkrieg&tx_fbmagento[shop][category]=38

Kind regards



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