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I have been trying to find out how my grandfather won his MM for quite a while now and had always been told that it was most likley that he was awarded it while serving with A Bty RHA.

Having now found the medal issue card on the PRO online, I now find that the unit he was serving with at the time was U Bty RHA which came over from India and was part of Lucknow Brigade, 1st Indian Cavalry Division.

Do any of you know where the Bty served and in particular any engagements in the first 4 months of 1918 (The medal was Gazetted 12.6.18).

Any other information about the Bty would also be eagerly received, even if it's what some would class as 'Mince & Triv".

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This is going to be an interesting one. You are quite right in that U Battery RHA served with the Lucknow Brigade in 1st Indian Cavalry Division. This formation was renamed 4th Cavalry Division in November 1916.

It took part in the actions in pursuing the enemy to the Hindenburg Line in early 1917, and at Cambrai in November 1917.

However, the Division was broken up in February 1918, and I've never found anything that tells me where the RHA batteries went after that.

I guess the best place to look would be the war diary...

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As U Bty is no longer serving is there anyone out there with contacts with the RA Museum or who has copies of the war diaries?

I was under the impression that it was when the division was disbanded in 1916 that Sjt Crowhurst moved to A Bty RHA.

When A Bty return from Iraq I have a contact in the Bty who has offered to look through their 'History Room' for me to see if he was in the Bty when he was awarded the MM. If wasn't he may be able to tell me when he was transfered into the Bty.

But that won't help with the whereabouts of U Bty though.

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On March 22 1918, U Battery in association with A,C,K, and Q Batteries, came into action 'north of Bernes'.

In August, U Battery was part of 16 (Army) Brigade RHA. It contributed to the opening barrage in support of the Australian Corps. The battery then galloped 'well forward, shooting down and clearing a valley which was holding up the infantry.'

Quotes from Farndale's 'History of the Royal Regiment of Artillery'.


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Both A and U Btys RHA served with XVI Brigade, RHA throughout the Great War. That brigade served with the 1st Indian Cavalry Division for most of the war, but when that division departed for Palestine, XVI Brigade became XVI (Army) Brigade, RHA on 10 Feb 1917. XVI (Army) Brigade, RHA served in the battle of St. Quentin from 21 -23 March 1918 and was attached to 8th Divisional Artillery in the last week of March. taking part in the steming of the German Spring Offensive in XIX Corps area. My guess is that Sjt. Crowhurst's MM was awarded for actions during this period.

Regards. Dick

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Thanks for the information.

I was pointed towards the battle of St. Quentin from 21 -23 March 1918 when I was under the impression that he was with A Bty at the time. It's interesting to find that both A and U Btys were involved. It doesn't however make it any easier to find how he earned the MM if he was still with U Bty. I thought I was on a winner when someone offered to search through A Bty war diaries, now I'm not so sure.

Anyone know of the existance and whereabouts of U Bty's war diaries of the time?

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