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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

8th Scottish Rifles - Robert Mooney


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I hope I am asking my questions in the right forum, apologies if I have it wrong.

Questions I have are

My grandfather served between 6th August 1915 and was dischared 26th July 1916, family rumour that he was 'gassed', when and where would his regiment have been.

On a medal card index under cause of discharge it says sickness KR 39 2 XV1 does anyone know what this means.

Also where it says action taken; List TD/69 does anyone have any idea about what this means.

Have a copy of the index card but it doesn't look anything like the other ones on the page, so a bit confused as to whether its a medal card or a discharge card. Got it online from National Archives

I have been told that KR means Kings regulations, but I have had no luck in finding any information about this.

Hope someone is able to direct me

thank you


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"KR 392 XVI" refers to paragraph xvi of King's Regulation 392, under which your grandfather was discharged. This was a standard reference for men discharged as a result of being physically unable to continue to serve.

"List TD/69" refers to the roll of the Silver War Badge, which he must have been awarded on discharge. If you look up that roll, which is at the National Archives in Kew (and not available online), it will give you a few more details.

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Hello Chris

Thank you very much for the prompt reply and information. One further question is there anywhere I can look at the Kings regulations to find out what it says re para 39. Not able to travel so online is best, only Banff (Aberdeenshire)local library nearby.

Thank you

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello All

One of our fellows kindly looked briefly at the service record for me, its the right Robert Mooney ( 50 Struthers St, Calton, Glasgow) but says he was discharged after only 1 month, but the medal index card states he was discharged 11 months later and received the Victory, British and Star. A curious reason on the service record was a long middle toe!! Is it possible that he re enlisted? Could the information on service record or medal index card be wrong?

Ref of card is WO/372/14 have since found out that he was not 'gassed' at first thought but wounded in the middle east (my fathers memeory is usually pretty reliable!!)

Has any one come across discrepancies in records before, is it even possible? Any suggestions or advice would be very much appreciated, would love to be able to get this info for my dad he's getting on a bit now and his dad (Robert Mooney d 1937 age 42) died when he was 9 and he doesn't really know much about his dads time in the army.

Thank you all in advance for taking the time

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