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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Kindle Version of 'Mapping The First World War'


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If anyone is thinking of buying the Kindle version of this, what seems like a very good book, DON'T. The typed text is clear enough but you just can't read the writing or type on the maps or images. As it is about the maps, it defeats the object if you can't read them. Fortunately Amazon were happy enough to refund my money


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I would second that. When I bought my Kindle, the first thing I had to do was buy a WW1 Atlas as the maps in the books are awful. Yes, you can blow them up, but you lose the context.

Hazel C.

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Interesting. I have long meant to buy a Kindle but this is obviously a serious drawback. I wonder what the maps are like on a tablet with the Kindle App?

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Interesting. I have long meant to buy a Kindle but this is obviously a serious drawback. I wonder what the maps are like on a tablet with the Kindle App?

I bought mine recently and I am enjoying it now that I have the Atlas. I had put it off for years because I like books, but am now very happy to have it. It is great for downloading books from Archive.org etc.in addition to instant gratification in terms of getting a book. It certainly has it's place. However, it does NOT replace books entirely. One advantage that had not occurred to me, presented itself the other night when we had a four hour power outage. I could still read!

Hazel C

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I bought mine recently and I am enjoying it now that I have the Atlas. I had put it off for years because I like books, but am now very happy to have it. It is great for downloading books from Archive.org etc.in addition to instant gratification in terms of getting a book. It certainly has it's place. However, it does NOT replace books entirely. One advantage that had not occurred to me, presented itself the other night when we had a four hour power outage. I could still read!

Hazel C


I have a work tablet so I might put the Kindle App on it and test the maps. Any particular examples from archive.org? Never thought about power outages. Beats straining your eyes with candles :thumbsup:


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When I first bought my Kindle, several people on the Forum were kind enough to post links to books which are either free or very inexpensive. I am somewhat technologically challenged but there are a number of threads relating to books which can be downloaded. The following link will take you (I hope) to some of them.


I have downloaded oodles of books. "Blood and Iron", "The First Hundred Thousand" and its' sequel "Carrying on After the First Hundred Thousand", "On the Right of the British Line" to name a few.



I have a work tablet so I might put the Kindle App on it and test the maps. Any particular examples from archive.org? Never thought about power outages. Beats straining your eyes with candles :thumbsup:


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