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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

How Reliable is the Information on Army Forms


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Hi All

I am really puzzled with regards to my Great Grandfather, Ernest William Bradbeer (1899-1979).

A researcher (a very experienced and reliable one) looked for Ernest and his brother Walter (KIA) in Kew for me. Ernest couldn't be found anywhere, even in the MIC indexes so it has been suggested that he didn't see active service abroad.

Some of Walter's papers were found and Ernest is listed on his Army form W5080 (next of kin of deceased soldier) dated 5th May 1919, as a full blood brother aged 20, as a 'soldier in France'.

Could I take it for granted that this information is reliable and would anyone know who would have provided the information for the form and when?

Also, does anyone think that there is a chance that the MOD still have his papers as I feel a bit desperate now! (I'm not the only one who feels like this with regards to this research, I expect!!)

Thankyou very much for reading this and any opinions and/or advice will be really gratefully received!


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As the form is dated 1919,he may well have been in France,clearing up or Part of the Rhine Army,but not have served O/S to qualify for any Service Medals,prior to the Armistice.The Deceased would probably have given him as his next of kin,in his Service Book,There is the possibility that the name was misrepresented on other files,as it looks the sort of name that could be "Varied" in its spelling[He Says V] ;)

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Guest Pete Wood

In most cases W5080 was the form sent to the next of kin, as named by the deceased soldier on his attestation papers.

Have you seen a copy of this form...?? Because it is the form used by the deceased soldier's record office to send the memorial plaque and scroll. I am pretty sure, without looking in my files for an example, that the person filling out W5080 had to say who they were and what relation they were to the deceased.

In other words, I think you will find that Ernest filled out the form.

The W5080 forms weren't issued long before this date (late 1918 onwards).

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This wont help really but.... On my Gt uncles records after his death his mother put down herself 2 of his sisters and a brother as next of kin. missing out 3 of his brothers. She also included a half brother that we never even knew existed.

They were all factually correct but it shows that the next of kin may not have been filled in completely with regards to all relatives.

I am probably talking about a totally different form here too :ph34r:



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