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Hi There,

Could anyone please help me. I'm trying to find out where my Grandfather William Corbett 152454 served during WW1, and which Division/ Brigade he was attached to. He was in the Royal Engineers and served as a Pioneer. I know a fair bit about the Infantry, but nothing about The R.E. All I know is what I have found on his Medal Index Card. Along with the information I have given already, he was entitled to the BWM and Victory medal. Next to the medals it reads RE/101 B83 or RE/101 883, and just above Theatre Of War First Served In, It reads SWB List RE/4329. I Know this isn't very much and am not too hopeful, any information would be very much appreciated. Many Thanks Tim.

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Unfortunately, like many of the Corps , it is extremely difficult to ascertain a man's precise unit unless you can find his service record. However, I have a feeling that William Corbett my have served with a Divisional Signals Company or a unit of the RE Signal Service. I must stress I cannot guarantee this, it is only based on a partial study of RE numbers linked to particular ranks. Is there any anecdotal evidence that might suggest this at all?

Terry Reeves

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Hi Terry,

Thanks for the reply. What you said was very interesting, but I have no information about my Grandad which might help in that direction. I'm sorry to say that what I know of him is very limited, as he died in 1933 when my dad was only 18 months old, and my Nan was never very forthcoming with information even to my Dad. All I know about him really from the war period, is that he was playing for Walsall football club before the war and rejoined them afterwards, eventually ending up at Torquay United where he went on to coach. He had an engineering backgroud and played mainly Semi Pro. He was born St Helens and was bought up in Ashton in Makerfield. Sorry I couldn't be of more help.



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