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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

French Army and the First World War

Steven Broomfield

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Amazon, bless them, thought I might be interested in this: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/110701235X/ref=pe_205271_58075451_nrn_title

A Forum search indicates a mention, in passing, by David Blanchard in another thread. he says it is very good, but has anyone a more detailed review? Is it worth adding to the Festive Request List, for example?

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I recently read her book on Foch. It was very good showing an appreciation of the Great War from the French point of view.

Old Tom

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I got mine the other day but as I am in transit I only had a chance to flick through before it got packed away. The author has an excellent reputation, it is a well produced tome and what I read of it was enjoyable reading - ie it seems to be well written. So, i would place it on the request list for the festal event in a few weeks' time.

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The author spoke in a conference at the University of Kent that was held in July 2006 to commemorate the ninetieth anniversary of the Battle of the Somme. I attended. If this book is anything like as good as her talk, then it gains my wholehearted recommendation.

Edit : I've just downloaded it onto my Kindle. Cost me the same as a decent bottle of wine. As our politicians like to say, "...it's the right thing to do. "

Phil (PJA)

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Edit : I've just downloaded it onto my Kindle. Cost me the same as a decent bottle of wine.

Phil (PJA)

Crikey! £4.50!!

Thanks all - looks like a sale.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Soft back at Foyles today at £19.99. Bought.


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