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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

New Book Follows a Liverpool Family through War, Troubles, Fears, Laug


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For many years I've been using the Great War Forum searching for details of a father who I never knew & who had been cloaked in a veil of mystery for close to 60-years. I've posted thousands of message on on this website & other websites using an assortment of 'usernames' in search of any information about my late father, his family & my mysterious roots. Being only an ink blot on my birth certificate I had no chance of finding him. I hated that ink blot & what it implied.

One letter, found amongst my mum's personal effects after her death in 1989 gave me a clue & that clue instigated my search. It's been a fascinating journey that has left me wondering if their is some memory locked away hidden within our DNA, because instead of finding the family scandal that I had expected, I found a heart warming story that has made the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end.

Over 20-years of searching followed by 4-years of writing & rewriting has resulted in this. . .

'The Daddy of ALL Mysteries' by Jess Welsby.

A 110,000 word have been condensed into 276 pages about a very ordinary Liverpool family. It pays homage to a generation now dead & gone. It is not a sad story by any means. Packed full of comical anecdotes that can only happen in Liverpool, it follows my mum's small, Catholic family through the Great War, the Great Depression & the Second World War. The book is a great example of what can be achieved with todays technology & help from members of forums such as the Great War Forum, people who have never clapped eyes on each other.

This book will be of interest to ALL families with roots, not only in Liverpool but also in Ireland & immigrants to the UK. My roots slowly revealed themselves from an unmarked grave in a London, Jewish cemetery, revealing the father who I never knew & whose family were Jewish immigrants from what was the Lithuanian area of Tzarist Russia.

I hope it will inspire others to search for their mystery mother or father.

The first 10 pages can be read by following this link below.


A big THANK YOU To the Great War Forum & to anyone who has helped in my many message relating to an unknown soldier & other topics relating to my maternal & paternal research.


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I loved the 10 pages on Ebay.

It is very different to my own upbringing in 1950's Liverpool, however I used to get the 17 Bus into ' Town' and to School.

Looking forward to reading the rest

Best wishes


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